I was chilling on the couch watching tv when Nayeon walks in and throws something at me. It lands on my lap and I look at it.
"Is this the key to the car?" I said, It jingled as the keys hit each other when I picked it up.
"Yup." She says and sits beside me.
"Well why did you throw them at me?"
"Because~ I am going to teach you how to drive."
"Wha- what!?" I jumped off the couch. I was bouncing up and down from excitement. She will finally teach me!
"Yup! Soon you will drive on the road." She smiled.
I ran to her and hugged her tightly. "Thank you Nabongs!" I released her then kissed her on the cheek.
She stood up, blushing "Let's go?"
"Yes!" I changed into other clothes as quickly as I could and together we left the house.
A few months later and a bunch of sorrys for almost running over a kids dog, I've finally learned how to drive on the street. I mostly drove in empty parking lots but once and a while I learned the street.
But now was the day, the day of the test. I have taken the written test but now I actually have to drive on the streets with some stranger in the car.
I'm really scared and nervous. I'm pretty good when I practiced but I feel like I will forget everything when I take the test.
My hands are shaking, I'm sweating. I don't want to fail.
"Hey!" Nayeon yells, making me jump.
She grabs my hand and smiles, "Don't worry, you are a great driver. You will pass on the first try."
I smile back at her. We were sitting in the waiting room of the driving building, waiting for the examiner to call me for the test.
I looked at my phone. Any minute the person could come and call me. I want to take the test so I can drive but don't want to take the test since I'm so scared.
A guy wearing a white shirt, business pants and a blue tie carrying a clipboard walks into the room.
"Yoo Jeongyeon?" He says, looking around the room at everyone.
I stand up, "H-here!" My hands were shaking 10 times harder than before.
"Great, it's time for your driving test."
"Ok." Before walking out the room I turn to Nayeon. She smiles and gives me a thumbs up. I smile back then follow the man.
"Hello, I am Kun. I will be your evaluator." We reached the car and we got inside.
"Don't worry about the test, it's easy. Just don't mess up really bad." He said,
I will probably be honest.
"Ok, you may start. Just drive around and I'll tell you when we are finished." He says and I nodded.
I buckled up and fixed the mirrors. Already he was writing stuff down on the clipboard. But I couldn't see what he was writing.
I drove out of the parking lot and onto the street. I just focused on driving and nothing else. My hands were sweating as they gripped the steering wheel. But for now I was doing well.
"Ok, you are finished. Go ahead and drive back to the building." Kun said and I did so.

The Stars Amongst Us [2yeon ff]
FanficNayeon, an ordinary office worker, finds a stranger naked and dying in the woods. She helps the stranger and soon gains a relationship with her. Little did Nayeon know, that girl she saved was a werewolf. Follow them on this journey to see how it e...