I'm thrown into the ground. Wincing in pain from my scratched body. I got up and charged towards them but they hit me again, throwing me back.
I fought for too long against them. I wasn't strong enough and now I'm here.
All I felt was pain, unable to stand up anymore I lay on the ground slowly bleeding to death. I look up at the night sky as I hear the growls coming from the distance.
I count the stars that shine in the deep blue sea in the sky, slowly drifting away second by second.
I tried to move my arms but the pain stopped me. So I lay here, in the blood-stained grass in the woods.
The growls slowly get quieter as the beast leaves me to die alone. I knew I would not see the sunrise again, not able to feel the daylight shining on me, unable to see tomorrow.
I slowly close my eyes and darkness surrounds me, only having my own thoughts. My whole life I was alone and now I'll die alone.
My body gets more cold. I knew this was the end so I just embraced it. I lay on the ground, just waiting for the pain to go away.
Nayeon POV
I walk around the woods, admiring the stars that light up the path for me. The sounds of twigs crunching under my feet soothe me.
I always enjoyed walking around the green woods at night my whole life. I always came here when I needed a stress reliever. Some people say the forest is scary, creepy. But I have never been scared of the place. I've been here so many times I know the whole place, it was my second home.
As I follow my usual path I hear growls in the distance, I knew there were wolves around the area but I never saw them. I always carried my knife with me but never used it.
I pull it out, gripping it tightly as my footsteps get lighter. I look around as I walk making sure that I was safe.
A star shines brightly, shining through the tall pine trees and hitting the ground. I look at the light but to my surprise, instead of seeing the ground being illuminated I see someone there.
I ran towards them seeing them closer. I see that she was injured. She may be naked but I didn't care about it. All I cared about was that she was injured.
Across her back were long scratch marks, her face and arms were bruised and blood was all over the floor.
As I examine her I hear a howl from a distance, making me jump. I look into the distance then back to the woman in front of me. She was dying and I couldn't allow that.
I put my knife aways and with all my strength I grab her body and carry her like how a groom holds his bride. I run the way I came from and towards my house.
The leaves and twigs crunch as I run. But then my footsteps get faster as I hear a growl behind me.
Not looking back I run as fast as I can. I hear something running behind me, their growls get louder as it gets closer to me.
I run faster. I've never run this fast before but I had to or else I'll become a meal for the beast.
In front of me I see the porch lights from my house light up the area. I run faster, I'm so close to safety.
Just like the movies I trip on a stick before I reach my house, dropping the woman and falling to the ground.
I hear the beast behind me, I turn around and see the wolf in front of me. It growls at me, ready to pounce on me and tear me apart. It jumps at me, the wolf was fast but I was faster.
I pull out my knife and stab the wolf right in the chest. It falls back, it screams in pain, I pull out the knife and it's cold blood colors the ground. I didn't waste any time, I quickly picked up the injured girl and ran into my home.
I lay the girl on my couch, blood was all over my clothes and hands from her but I didn't care. I only cared about this woman who was dying.
I rush to my closet and grab the first aid kit there. I run back to her and kneel down beside the couch she's in. I grab the rubbing alcohol on a cloth and run the cuts. Her skin was pale and her body was cold but I continued.
After cleaning the wounds I grabbed the needle and thread. I would call an ambulance but my house was deep in the woods, it would take hours for an ambulance to get here.
I knew how to stitch a wound so I quickly began. I stitched each scratch on her and put a bandage on it. The cuts were deep. She was hurt pretty bad from that wolf.
As I stitched her up my thoughts ran wild. Why was she in the forest? Why is she naked? Did she come here alone or with other people? Is she even alive? I hope she is.
I finish up and stand up, looking at her. Now that I've calmed down I notice more about her features. Her dark brown eyes and short black hair compliment each other. Her sharp jawline surprises me, I've never seen someone's jaw so sharp. Her body was skinny and buff at the same time, she looked like a model.
I don't know what to do. I guess I have to wait till she wakes up and when she does I'll ask her everything.
I lit a fire in the fireplace to warm up the place, I would put clothes on her but I didn't want to open up the cuts. So I lay a blanket on her. I sit on the other leather couch and turn on the tv, I would sleep but I wanted to be awake if she wakes up.
Oh I hope she wakes up soon.

The Stars Amongst Us [2yeon ff]
FanfictionNayeon, an ordinary office worker, finds a stranger naked and dying in the woods. She helps the stranger and soon gains a relationship with her. Little did Nayeon know, that girl she saved was a werewolf. Follow them on this journey to see how it e...