My eyes open and I’m greeted by the morning sunlight shining onto me.
“Ugh.” I then found that I was in the living room, laying down on the couch with a blanket on me.
“This feels familiar.” I hear someone say and turn my head to the noise. Jeongyeon was there, sitting on the couch beside the one I lay on. Her head was down and her hands clasped to each other. She had no expression at all.
“Oh Jeongyeon, I had the strangest dream last night.” I said, remembering the weird dream.
“Hmm?” Her head turned to me and she was confused.
I try to remember what happened so I looked around the room and at the objects there. Then I looked back at her, “I was in the woods with a friend who was a wolf, but then we were attacked by other wolves. I was close to dying when that wolf turned into a person, and it was you. Isn’t that weird? It felt so real.” I said amused but calmly since I just woke up. I was smiling at the thought of the dream.
“Heh.” Her face turned emotionless again and looked away from me.
“What?” Was my dream too weird to her? It may be unusual but dreams are like that.
“Nayeon,” She looks back at me and there was a little smirk on her face, “That wasn’t a dream.”
Huh? I’m so confused. Why did she say that? “What?”
She lets out a chuckle, is this a joke? “I said, that wasn’t a dream.”
“Haha nice joke.” She can’t be real. She can’t be a wolf, that’s impossible. It only exists in books. I tried to sit up but my body didn’t allow me, pain radiates all over my body and if I moved I would feel it again. “Ow.”
Slowly I pull off the blanket that was on me without hurting myself and end up seeing my whole body covered in bandages coloured red with my blood.
“What?” I looked at my body, my shoulder, arms, legs, chest was wrapped with bandages. My breath was heavy, I thought it was just a dream. What happened? Wait, does that mean-
“Now do you believe me?” She says and I look at her. My eyes started to water but I don’t know why.
I had trouble speaking. “N-no, it c-can’t be.” My hands were shaking, and I had a weird feeling in my throat. This can’t be real.
She takes a moment to sip some water from the glass on the table, she was still calm. “It is. Don’t you wonder why I leave the house every night?” Huh?
“Don’t you wonder why a random wolf saved you from that stalker? Don’t you wonder why you found me in the woods, naked and dying?” She says, I was speechless.
“I-I” I try to say something but she cuts me off.
“Don’t you wonder why Luna was your friend? A random wolf you just met?” She pauses. “That was me the whole time Nayeon.” She doesn’t know Luna. How does she know?
She sniffles, “I tried to protect you,” She then wipes her cheeks from the tears that were falling down from her eyes. “But I wasn’t strong enough.” Is this true?
I look away from her to hide my tears that fall from my eyes, I can’t believe this. Is this why my gut thought she was special? Just because she’s a werewolf? I need an explanation.
“Nayeon,” She says so I turn my head back to her. “I know this sounds unreal and you might not understand, I don’t even understand why I’m like this either. I don’t think I should even be alive.” She then looks back down, her tears fall on the carpet floor.
Jeongyeon POV
I didn’t want Nayeon to see my tears, I don’t want her to see me like this. Weak.
As I look down I suddenly feel warmth around me. I tilt my head up and see that Nayeon was there, hugging me tightly though she was seriously injured from the attack last night.
She shouldn’t be hugging me, “N-no!” I screamed at her.
The scream scares her a little bit. “W-what?” She says, confused, but I stand up and gently push her back to the couch trying not to hurt her.
“You need to rest, you aren't fully healed.” I continue to push her to the couch but she hugs me again tightly. Please, I can’t take this.
She lays her head on my shoulder. “It’s fine, we just both need this hug right now.” I feel her breath on my ear as she whispers that. She was warm but comfortable.
I hug her back without hurting her. My tears land on Nayeon while her tears land on me. We both stood there hugging and crying for a few minutes. I didn’t want to let go of her.
But then we did, I helped Nayeon lay back down on the couch and I sat back down on the other couch. We both just stared at each other, not saying anything but hearing everything, understanding each other’s feelings. We just appreciated each other being here, being with us.
But then I feel a sharp pain in my head, “Ow.” I rub my temple in hopes to help stop the pain.
“Headache?” She asks, I look at her and nod. She continues, “You must be sober now. You should get some rest.”
I nod again, “Yeah. You should rest too so you can heal quickly. I can explain everything when we wake up.” I layed down on the leather couch, getting comfortable to sleep.
She responds, “Ok.” So we both closed our eyes and tried to sleep even though it was morning time.
A few minutes of trying to sleep Nayeon speaks, “Hey Jeongyeon.”
“Yes?” I turn my head to her and meet her eyes with her.
“I love you.” My heart dropped. My breath was heavier. My hands were shaking and sweating.
I can’t believe this. The person I love loves me back. My head can’t process this. This feels like a dream.
I couldn’t say anything, I tried to speak but no words came out. All I could do was smile widely and that’s what I did.
I love you too Nayeon.

The Stars Amongst Us [2yeon ff]
FanfictionNayeon, an ordinary office worker, finds a stranger naked and dying in the woods. She helps the stranger and soon gains a relationship with her. Little did Nayeon know, that girl she saved was a werewolf. Follow them on this journey to see how it e...