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I slowly opened my eyes and shielded my eyes from the sunlight. I was laying in the grass, still on the hill in the middle of the forest.

But the wolf was gone. I sat up, stretching my back since it was in pain from the hard dirt I layed on. I didn't know how long I was asleep at all.

I then stood up and started to walk back home. It was nice to be with that wolf. I just wish it didn't leave me when I woke up. But for sure I'm going to find the wolf again at night.

I opened the front door of the house and no one was in the kitchen or living room. I walked up to my bedroom to get changed when I saw Jeongyeon peacefully sleeping in my bed.

I showered and ate breakfast, luckily I didn't have work today so I'm able to hang out with Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon POV

"Jeongyeon breakfast is ready!" I hear Nayeon scream downstairs.

I sit up and stretch my arms, inhaling deeply then letting out a big yawn.

I got off the bed and walked down the stairs, letting out another yawn. I sat down at the table and Nayeon handed me breakfast.

It was bacon again with waffles, I never had waffles before so I was excited to try it out. I grabbed my fork and poked it before using it to bite part of the waffle.

"Are you not gonna use maple syrup?" I hear Nayeon ask.

"What's maple syrup?" I question and she looks like she was disgusted with me.

"H-how do you not know what it is? It's the best thing ever. Can't eat waffles or pancakes without it." She then grabbed a bottle with a brown liquid, stood up and reached over the table to pour it all over my waffles. I guess that is the syrup.

She then sat back down and poured some on her waffles, "Ok try it." She looked at me, waiting for me to take a bite.

So I picked up my fork again, taking another bite out of the waffle making sure I ate some of the syrup. The waffle tasted different, it was sweeter than before and tasted better. I never tasted anything like it before. I liked it.

I went for another bite, and another, and another, and just like that I finished all of my waffles. I look up and see Nayeon smiling at me.

"I'm assuming you like it?" She asks and I nod. "Told you so." She laughs and then goes back to eating her food.

All I had left was the bacon and I think bacon was fine by itself so no need to pour maple syrup on it.

I ate it quickly and now there was only syrup on my plate. I wonder what it would taste like without the waffle. I took my finger and dipped it in the small puddle of syrup, then sucked my finger to taste it. It was good. I still like it, it was really sweet but that's ok for me.

"Jeongyeon," I look at Nayeon, "Can you help me wash the dishes?" I didn't know what she was talking about but I nodded anyways.

Nayeon finished her food and took her plate to the sink, I did so too and Nayeon turned a knob on the sink and water started to pour.

She hands me a towel, "Just dry the dishes ok?" I nod, still not knowing what dishes are.

I watch her scrub the plates with a sponge and a liquid and once all the stains are off she hands me the wet plate. I think she wants me to dry this.

So I wiped down the plate until it was all dry, then placed it on the counter beside me. I did the same with the utensils and the tools she used to cook the food. That was easy enough.

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