The aftermath

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Izuku's point of view
Three weeks later

Oww my head

I open my eyes and see nothing but black. What happened? I remember being at that meeting and then passing out. Was the candy laced with something? I should have seen that coming! No one is ever that nice to me without a reason. Well for the most part. Mei is nice to me and so are my siblings. I should be more careful next time. I am probably in a hospital room then. If the annoying beeping is anything to go by. I wonder what happened after I passed out. I should probably tell someone I am awake. I am to tied though. I should probably go back to sleep. It helps me heal so it would be good for me to sleep some. I drift off to sleep.

2 hours later
Shinsou's point of view

I walked in to Izuku's hospital room. I hope he wakes up soon. I walk over to his bed and move the hair from his face. I brought his glasses from home for him. I put them next to him on the bed. Father was put in to a medical coma from all the blood loss. The person also hit some of his major organs. They said he would wake up in a few months. Izuku should wake up any day now. I hope he wakes up soon. UA let him move in to the hero course dorms for his protection. Those people put something in the chocolate they gave him. It was a good thing they forgot about the cameras in the house. We hade to change the password though just incase. It is pretty weird waking up with out Father's call or promise for pain. To be truthful I missed hanging out with my little bro. Father always kept him away from us. He even moved Izuku's room closer to his so we couldn't escape. The police found out about everything but I don't think they can do anything about it. Izuku's stuff is all in his room. It took forever to out all of his robots, metals, wires, everything electric, all building things, personal items, and clothes in his room. I don't even know how he hade so much stuff in his tiny room. However he did this I give him luck. I wonder what he will make his room look like. Me and Shoto did the same style for are rooms as the house. They are very Japanese and in my opinion look like home did before our quirks. We need to make more memories together. Fuyumi and Natsou have been allowed on school grounds. They come to visit at least twice a week. We all went to see Mom a few days ago. We are seeing about taking her out of there so she can come home. Fuyumi got a job at a coffee shop near UA and Natsou got a job at a comic store. Life is actually good now. Izuku started to shake. I stood up and walked over to him.

"Ugh what happened?" - Izuku

"Izuku! Your awake!" -Shinsou

"Shinsou? Where am I?" -Izuku

"In the hospital, Izu. You have been asleep for three weeks!" -Shinsou

"R-really! That's a long time! W-where are my glasses?" -Izuku.

"Next to you. I figured you would want them when you woke up." -Shinsou

Izuku out his hand next to him and quickly found his glasses. He put them on and connected them. He then pulled me in to a big hug now that he could see me. I hug him back. It has been to long sense I could hug my brother. We stayed like that for a few minutes till my phone rang. It was Shoto. I put the phone on speaker. I put my finger on my lips so Izuku would not scream hi yet.

"Hello, this is Shinsou speaking. You are on speaker Shoto." -Shinsou

"Hi Shinsou. You at Izuku's hospital room?" -Shoto

"YEP! Why?" - Shinsou

"They are saying I am not on the list to be let inside. Want to explain?" -Shoto

"Nope not really! I will come get you just give me a few minutes!" -Shinsou

I hung up the phone and Izuku gave me a knowing smile. I nodded at him and he pretend to sleep. I ran out of the room to go get Shoto. I turned down the hallway to the waiting room and grabbed Shoto who was glaring at me. The nurse didn't stop us because I got her in on the prank. What can I say Mom says I am quite the charmer. I take pride in that complement. I drag Shoto to Izuku's room. I pushed him inside the room. He stopped himself from falling and walked over to Izuku's bed. He stood at the edge of the bed and looked at Izuku with a sad face. I can't wait to see his face when Izuku scares him.

"Hey they said he would wake up soon!" -Shinsou

"That's good. I don't think I could call our dorms a home without hearing some random explosion from his room. Or being dragged off if the week was not to bad from stupid training to make one of those videos". -Shoto

"Heh yeah those where a lot of fun to make. Remember that one with the disk that would drag you around. We stuck that one to Father's back and flew him around the house with it!" -Shinsou

"Yeah that was fun. I wonder if he made another one yet." - Shoto. He turned to face me completely. Perfect.

"Yeah that would be awesome! It would help with us moving if we have to do it again or just with tormenting our future classmates!" - Shinsou

"Yeah you would do the prank and then let them play detective. You would also be apart of the detective team just to mess up the evidence and throw them completely off course." -Shoto

"True." -Shinsou

"So how is Moth-aahhh!" - Shoto. Izuku grabbed Shoto's wast from behind. Shoto iced half of the room. The other half of him burned part of the room. I was now laughing uncontrollably. Izuku fell backwards on it his bed and was laughing. Shoto was recovering from his mini heart attach.


"S-sorry Shoto I could resist! You scream like a little girl! " -Izuku

"Yeah, big bro scaring you is really fun!" -Shinsou

"You guys suck! done now.....Anyway Izuku your awake!" -Shoto

Shoto ran to Izuku and hugged him. Izuku hugged the oldest triplet back and smiled. I walked over and joined the hug. We eventually broke apart and I just realized I have to tell Fuymi and Natsou. I take out my phone and put it on speaker. Izuku smiled and layed down in the bed. Shoto walked over to a chair to sit. I took the chair next to him. I went to Fuyumi's contact and hit call.


"Hello this is Fuyumi speaking."


"Izuku your awake! I am coming right over there with Natsou! Love you by!


She hung up on me. Ouch. We decided to talk a bit about what happened when Izuku was still asleep. He was very happy when we got to the part about dorms and Father being in a coma. We also told him about the charges against Father and how he would have to tell the police everything soon. After a few minutes Fuyumi kicked open the door while dragging Natsou by the color of his shirt. She dropped Natsou and ran to hug Izuku. Izuku was then dragged in to another group hug. I almost felt bad for him. We all talked about random things. Eventually visiting hour was over and we were kicked out by the doctors. Needless to say we all slept a lot better that night.

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