sports festival part2

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Izuku's point of view

Once are class had walked out in to the open only 1/4th of the people in the stands cheered for us. Ouch. I mean you could at least try to show support for us. Not everyone can be in the hero course or wants to. Then the hero kids came out. The crowd went crazy for them. Double burn. I mean you could at least try to be excited to see us to world. After they called out everyone else the pro hero Midnight jumped on the stage. Why is she here with a bunch of teenagers? Her quirk is really cool though....

"Hello world! Welcome to the sports festival! Now we have the number one student in the hero course to give a message to everyone!" - MN

Some kid that looked like an angry Pomeranian walked up on to the stage and grabbed the microphone. He was probably in 1-A. He then leaned in to it and opened his mouth.

"I am going to win." - Pomeranian

What kind of speach is that! Even I can do better even though I will probably stutter on almost every word I say! Everyone else seems to agree with me! The crowd was immediately in to boos and filled with protest. Even his own classmates where booing. So was I but you can't make a speak like that and expect positive feedback. He then got off the stage and went back into the crowd. What an butthead. I then looked back at the stage just as a huge weal comes out of nowhere. The pro hero Midnight then spend the weal and it landed on a obstacle course. Well this will be fun said probably no one in there heads. Then a huge door way came up and everyone ran to it. There all going to get trampled. I stayed in the back as to not be trampled once the doors opened. The huge doors then opened with a loud creak and Shoto along with Shinsou ran head of everyone. O then got out one of my friend and let it fly me over the crowds. I also sent out my front with a lazer to slow down the competition a bit. My dron is currently flying as fast as the Pomeranian who is in third place. Which means I am currently in fourth place. Take that Mel. I am ahead of you and I don't even have a quirk. I turn my drone on to high power mod and I cought up with my brothers. Unfortunately my drone ran out of gas. I put it in my bag and started to make a pit of the bombs. Thank goodness for me keeping scrape metal on me. Once I got a big enough pit I was in tenth place. I took out a big piece of scrap metal and the dove on to the bombs. They shot me in the air and I was almost to my brother's. The metal then began to go down so I sent out my Lazer drones to hold it up. I am so glad I put hooks on the bottom of the lazer ones for times like this. Once I got close to the tunnels entrance I had them slowly start to make me come down and had them shoot at the bombs infront of people that got close to winning. Which includes my brothers. Sorry bro but sacrifices must be made to prove people wrong. I shall buy you ice cream later so that should help but enough of feeling bad for my brothers. I need to get ready to run. Once I was safely on the ground I made a run for the finish line with my drones following me. This is a really long tunnel. Oh thank God. I see the light. I jumped threw the end of the tunnel and crossed the finish line. I won. Holy pop tarts in a pencil sharpener, I won! I really hope Mom can see this. She would be so proud of me! Touya to do course! He would probably hit me on the head and then hug me while telling me that I am idiot sometimes. After a few seconds my brothers came out of the tunnel with an angry Pomeranian following behind them. Father is so going to kill me later.

One hour later
It is time for the third event (.....yay....)

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