sports festival part four

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Izuku's point of view (OwO)
(I got some music at the top that is perfect for fighting parts!)

After the second match ended we had a lunch break. Everyone was glaring at me. I just grabbed my food and ran in to a isolated part of the stadium to eat. While going there I saw Shoto dragging some kid away. I don't k ow who it is but I hope that they will be okay. Shoto can be lethal when he is mad. I shuttered mental at the thought and continued to walk to a good place to isolate myself.

(After he finishes eating and they announced the next event)

I walked out in to the open and the crowd cheers for me. I am going against a kid from 1-B. He is a blonde kid and from what I could tell he hates 1-A. Once Midnight said to go made my drones go over to him to try to detract him. It looked to be working sense he is focusing on destroying them. I ran over to him and punched him in the gut hard. He flew out of the ring and landed on the ground outside of the ring. Midnight then called the match and I won. I then walked over to him and offered him my hand to help him stand up. He got up him self and walked past me and bummed in to my shoulder. While he was walking away he said "stupid quirkless. I don't want your help nor do I need it". He said it quit enough so no one but me could hear him. What a butt head. I then walked out of the open and went back to a isolated part of the place. What's so bad about being quirkless and how does everyone suddenly know?!?!

(Moving on to his second match!)

Izuku vs vine child

I walked into the ring and looked at my opponent. She has passed by hair that looks to be made of vines. Some Lazer drones should take care of that. I can also through the spider bots if I need to escape the vines. I have got this match in the bag! Once President Mic shouted go I sent my robots to attach her and I avoided her vines. My robots cut her hair and I have to say it looks good short. Needless to say after a few minutes I won and she got hair cut done by lazers. After the match I walked over to her and helped her up.

"I guess I lost, huh? My hair probably looks awful." - vine child

"H-hey that was a g-good match and your h-hair looks r-really n-nice short!" - Izuku

"R-really?" - Vine child

"Y-yes!" -Izuku

"T-thank you!" - Vine child

She then ran off the court and I started to follow her to the exit of the field.

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