Chapter 1

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Meara, a soon to be ten-year-old girl, had always been more mature than her peers. Therefore now, even as she sat between her parents, who were talking and smiling like they were truly happy, on their way to a resort in Goa, she knew that something was bothering Amma* and Appa*.
Amma kept directing small smiles her way, while Appa didn't make eye contact with her at all.

She wanted to ask them what was it that was bothering them, but since they were in a chauffeur-driven car at the moment, she had decided against it. 'I will ask them when we reach the resort.' She told herself and kept nodding and smiling and answering the questions her parents threw at her about her adventures in tree climbing.

Meara loved to climb trees. She had successfully climbed her first tree, a Guava tree in her backyard at the tender age of four. Of course, Amma had not been too happy about it.

"It's dangerous Som." She had said to her husband shaking her head and looking at him disapprovingly.

Somashwar, Som for short, had just raised his eyebrows and shrugged his shoulders, "I am right here, Mayura. Have some faith in me. Moreover, look how happy she is!"

Since that day, Meara had climbed a countless number of trees. And now, at the age of nine, she was a pro at it.

Their trip to Goa was planned in a hurry. Usually, Som and Mayura were too busy in their respective careers, both were software engineers, which prevented them from taking a vacation and spend time together as a family.

When Som had told Meara about the trip, she was surprised.
"Appa, are you sure?" She had asked hesitantly.

"Of course, sweetheart." Som had answered ruffling her hair.

She had looked at her Amma for confirmation and found her smiling.
It was a sad smile.

Meara had felt odd.
'Why is Amma looking at me like that?' she had wondered.

Som had interrupted her thoughts, "Do you know, that the place we have booked is known for having the oldest banyan tree in the entire area?"

"Really Appa!?" Meara had squeaked.

Som had nodded and shown her the images on his phone.

Meara's eyes had gone wide like saucers as she had looked at the pictures of the magnificent tree.

When she had had her fill of the pictures, she had thrown her tiny arms around her Appa and hugged him. "Thank you, Appa. You are the best. I love you."

Som had hugged her back tighter. "You are always welcome, sweetheart. I love you more."

The family had boarded a flight for Goa, the same day summer vacations had started.


"Welcome to the Taj Hotel and Resort." The old man at the reception area greets the family while motioning a young man to take care of the luggage after Som produces the booking slip to him.

The old man's gaze falls on Meara, who is looking at the garden. More specifically, her eyes are glued to the humongous banyan tree in the centre of the garden.

"Aaaa, I see that we have another tree admirer amongst us." He says joyfully.

Meara nods without looking away from the tree.

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