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Laurie was woken up from her sleep by the sound of rocks being thrown at her window. She sat up and laughed to herself at how stupid her friend was being. As she made her way to her balcony door, she wondered why he had decided to come so late, he had never came this late before. She approached her door, covered by beaded curtains, and could see the silhouette of her friend waiting for her outside. She opened the door quietly to avoid waking her brother and peeked outside. When she was sure it was who she thought it was she swung it open widely. "Calum!" She exclaimed, and flung her arms out to hug him. She hugged her best friend tightly, but when he didn't hug her back she could tell that something was wrong. She stepped outside and closed the door, looking at him questioningly, but he spoke before she could. "Laurie," he said quietly, "I'm so sorry." Before she could process what the boy, whose tan skin was made pale by the moonlight, or maybe by his nerves, had said, her arms were thrown behind her back. Her heart was racing wildly, and she began to lose feeling in her legs. A firm hand placed a moist cloth over her face, and just before the world began to fade around her, she heard the voice of her friend one last time. "I really am so sorry."

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