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Laurie woke up in her bed alone and was a little disappointed that Calum hadn't stayed, but she understood the risks. She yawned and sat up, rubbing her head a little and thinking about the night before. It was kind of amazing.

She wasn't exactly sure what this meant for their relationship, but Laurie was sure that at this point they were a lot more than friends. She giggle at the thought of how it happened, and felt giddy that it had happened at all.

Laurie got up from her bed and showered, washing away any evidence of last night and preparing herself for the day ahead of her. She thought about what she would say to him the next time she saw him and smiled.

She was ready to kick things up a notch between the two of them as far as a title went (they had taken it upon themselves to kick things up physically.), and she wanted to tell him for the first time ever that she loved him.

Not love like a brother or a friend, because she had said that many times and was unfazed by it. The type of love that made Laurie happy and excited inside, but too nervous to speak the words.

She stepped out of the shower and into her room, half expecting to see Calum sitting there waiting for her as he was the night before. But he wasn't.

Laurie pulled out her favorite Pink Floyd T-shirt that fit her like a dress and a pair of old skinny jeans, not bothering to match any shoes with the outfit as she knew she wouldn't be going anywhere any time soon.

She slipped the jeans on and zipped them up, and she began to throw the baggy shirt over her head before another caught her eye. Swinging lazily from her bed post was the shirt Calum had been wearing the night before.

Only halfway wearing the shirt she had originally picked out, she tore it off and slung it over her shoulder, then moved to pick up Calum's. She held it to her nose and took a whiff before deciding it to be clean enough and slinging it over her head and shoulders and brushing it out over her body.

The shirt was almost a souvenir of the night before, and she never wanted to take it off. It smelled like him too, or at least the cologne he always wore, and Laurie smiled at the reminder of him that she wore on her body.

As she admired the shirt more, running her hands over the design and scrunching up the fabric with her hands, the door unlocked and she sat back, waiting to see who had come to visit her.

She stood waiting for a good twenty seconds before realizing that whoever was at the door was gone, and they had left it unlocked. Laurie carefully placed her hand on the door knob, then yanked it back.

What if it was a trap? What if as soon as she turned the knob it would electrocute her or something? She licked her lips and exhaled, then placed her hand on the knob again, determined to open it and be free from her room.

She turned it quickly, and as soon as the door was open enough for Laurie to get a foot in, she let go of the knob and clutched her hand. It was still there! She had opened the door on her own and her hand was still in one piece!

She smiled to herself then cracked it open more. All she saw outside of her door was the wall that had always been there, but as she stepped out of the room her eyes met the hazel ones of the boy she had seen for the first time the day before, and she threw herself back into her bedroom and on to her bed.

The boy laughed from outside of the room, and Laurie smiled at how adorable his laugh was. He opened the door slowly, peeking his head in and smiling at Laurie.

"Hello." He said brightly and brought the rest of his body into the room, keeping the door open behind him.

"You know, you can leave the room if you want." He said, and Laurie's eyes widened. She couldn't think of anything to say, so she sat speechless.

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