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Luke sat in his room and flipped through the channels on his TV quickly, trying to take his mind off of everything going on. It had been two weeks now since Laurie's kidnap, and things couldn't be worse. This situation was terrible.

His best friend hated him, the girl that they had taken was to blame for that, and the chances of them getting her ransom decreased with each passing day. By this time, usually the girl's parents would have sent out an alert, a news broadcast, something, but so far, Luke had seen absolutely nothing.

To top it all off, the girl absolutely hated him, and he hated that. Luke wasn't the kind of mushy-gushy guy that wanted everyone to love him,- he was far from it actually- but usually the girls would warm up to him, and by the end of it all they wouldn't have the heart to turn him in. He'd get the money, he wouldn't get caught, and sometimes he would get a friend with benefits.

He wasn't sure if any of that would be true this time around. Luke shut the TV off and stood up, rubbing his face as he left his bedroom. He walked down the hallway, but when he heard Laurie's bedroom door opening, he hid in the little cubby hole near the staircase. It was a wonder that he was able to fit more than 6 feet of legginess into the small space, but he managed to make it work.

He peeked out and watched as Michael left Laurie's room, saying something in a hushed tone and then laughing. He heard Laurie laugh too as the door was shut and locked. Michael walked down the hallway briskly, stopping right in front of Luke's hiding spot. Luke's breath hitched, and he hoped that Michael wouldn't realize he was there.

"What are you doing down there?" He asked, laughing a little. Damn it. Luke crawled out of the small space, his face flushed with embarrassment. He stood up and brushed himself off, trying to appear cool and confident, but evidently failing, judging by Michael's still amused face.

"I uh... I could ask you the same thing." Luke retorted, unsure of himself at first, but quickly corrected his tone of voice to sound authoritative. Michael wasn't buying it.

"I asked you first." He said with a half smile, calling Luke's bluff. Luke's confident facade faded and he slouched a bit, his ego taking a huge blow from Michael's wit. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I don't know," he said, running his teeth over his lip ring. "I was just-"

"Just trying to spy on Laurie." Michael finished, and gave Luke a disapproving look. Luke was unable to hide his guilt, and Michael's face softened, realizing that Luke was having just as hard of a time as Calum. Great, now he was going to be smack dab in the middle of everything going on.

Michael closed his eyes for a second, took a deep breath, and opened them. Luke looked at him, his guilt burning holes from within him and radiating out. "If you want to know something about Laurie, ask her." He said and brushed past Luke.

He walked down the stairs mumbling something about being the Martha Stewart of the house and disappeared from Luke's view.

Ask her? Right, that would work. Not. He shook his head and walked toward her bedroom, deciding that it was at least worth a try. He pulled his keys out of his pocket to unlock the door, then crammed them back in, deciding that barging in again may not leave a great impression.

He hesitated for a moment before knocking. Laurie responded immediately telling him to come in, and Luke figured she probably thought he was Michael. He unlocked the door slowly and stepped in.

Laurie was looking down at several sheets of paper laid out on her bed when he came in, but as soon as she looked up and realized that it wasn't Michael, she shoved the papers under her pillow and scooted back firmly.

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