I Promise

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It was extremely rare for Luke to call house meetings, so when Calum's room phone buzzed and he was informed of one, he knew immediately what it was for. Two days had passed since he and Laurie had last seen each other, and he had tried to figure out ways of seeing her without Luke knowing, but he ended up hitting a wall every time.

To be honest, he knew that he should have been nervous about the meeting, but he just wasn't. He hadn't really thought about much of anything aside from how to see Laurie and how to avoid Luke. He hadn't even spoken to Ashton, and he could tell that his friend was starting to pick up on it.

He dragged himself out of his room and into the dining area where the boys always met when a meeting was held. He was the last one there, aside from Luke, and he felt the awkward gaze of both Michael and Ashton as he sat down at the table. "Hey guys." He said, addressing his friends with a nod and a false smile.

The two just looked at him, easily tearing apart his chipper exterior, and sent concerned looks in his direction. "Are you alright?" Ashton asked and reached his arm across the table to Calum. Calum tried his best to look confused at his friend's question, shooting him a what-are-you-talking-about-of-course-I'm-alright face and waving him off. Michael didn't say anything, but shifted uncomfortably at Calum's dreadfully obvious lie.

The boys heard the sound of Luke's footsteps and all prepared for a lecture- these meetings were never positive- and each of them ran through everything they could have possibly done wrong in their heads. Besides Calum. Calum had decided to himself that he had done absolutely nothing wrong. After all, Luke had given the two of them five minutes, but he didn't say anything about what they could or couldn't do.

As the tall blonde approached the table, Michael and Ashton refused to look at him, but Calum stared almost completely through him, his glare secretly sending chills down Luke's spine and disturbing him slightly. He sat down and crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair as if this were the most casual thing in the world. "So guys," he said, running his tongue over his teeth. "what's up?" Ashton and Michael were shocked by how calm he was, but when they saw Calum's angry glare locked in Luke's cocky one, they instantly became aware that this was none of their concern; they were innocent bystanders.

"Nothing really." Michael said, trying to break the tension that had suddenly built up in everyone in the room. Ashton bit the inside of his cheek and tried his best to avoid making any type of eye contact with either of the glaring boys. "That's nice. Any... girls you guys wanted to talk about?" Luke asked, addressing everyone but requesting an answer only from Calum. Calum cracked his knuckles angrily and his already sharp jawline became even sharper as he locked it in anger. "Not that I'd like to talk about with you." He said through gritted teeth.

Luke smirked his infamously devious smirk and broke eye contact with Calum. He played with his lip ring for a few moments, gathering in his mind what he'd like to say, and preparing to say it. "Fair enough." Luke said, folding his hands together and placing them on the table in front of him.  "So you wouldn't mind if I messed around with that girl we're keeping would you? What's her name again?" He asked innocently and raised an eyebrow at Calum.

Michael looked over at his dark haired friend, who had turned a shade of bright red and was pursing his lips tightly. "Laurie." Michael responded, annoyed by Luke's immature antics. Luke looked to Michael and sneered before returning his gaze to Calum. He was pissed.

Luke was happy with himself and felt that he had the upper hand in the situation. He had pushed all the right buttons and had Calum right where he wanted him. He played with his fingers a bit on the table and smiled condescendingly.

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