The Face of a Captor

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Laurie opened her eyes and, too shocked to say anything, sat staring at the boy who was looking down at her blankly. He was tall, very tall, and he wore clothes which Laurie felt suited a boy around her own age, 18.

She sat there dumbfounded and terrified of this unfamiliar boy who had trapped her in an unfamiliar place. The boy stepped forward and Laurie would have jumped back, but her back was already firmly pressed against the wall. He kept looking at her, now scanning her up and down and darting his eyes away, reminding Laurie that from the top up she was only in her undergarments.

Her face reddened and became hot, and her thoughts were temporarily diverted from her capture. The boy threw something at her and she caught it, still looking dead at him. There was a peculiar attractiveness about him that Laurie couldn't quite put her finger on and she couldn't keep herself from staring, despite how afraid she was of him.

She wondered for a moment why he wanted her, what she had done to be taken and imprisoned. Looking back down at her hands, she realized that the boy had given her a shirt to wear and threw it on quickly. The boy fake coughed. "Aren't you going to thank me for that?" He asked cockily, his accent foreign to Laurie's, but similar to Calum's, though significantly less inviting.

Laurie was disgusted by his attitude, and, forgetting for a moment that she did not have the upper hand, she shot her captor a deadly look and scoffed as if to say profanities that she couldn't force herself to say aloud. He smirked either at her or to himself, she couldn't decide, and stepped back.

"I see." He said and raised an eyebrow. "I'll keep this strictly business," he started, and Laurie became enraged. She wondered how he could have such a cold heart as to call kidnapping someone 'business.'

"I moved here with my... company about a year ago. We choose families with a lot to lose and the means to get it back. By that I mean disgustingly rich." He said, making sure to look Laurie right in the eye at the end of his sentence. Laurie came from an affluent background- in other words, she was rich.

Her parents both worked as CEOs for massive international industries and would spend months away from her, leaving her in the care of her brother. The terror in Laurie grew with every word the boy spoke, and with every second the reality of the situation deepened inside of her.

"Please," she begged, losing her tough-girl exterior and breaking down in the presence of her captor. "Just let me go, I can give you however much you want, please, I have my own account. Just let me go and I will give everything I have to you." She said, hoping that he would crack and agree. He did not.

His face was unchanged and he seemed unfazed by Laurie's wild display of emotion. "Why let you go when your parents would pay so much more to get you back?" He said and turned on the balls of his feet. He opened the door, but turned around one last time.

"Hemmings." He said as he stepped out of the door. "That's what you can call me." And with that the door was shut and Laurie was alone again. She heard the sound of the door being locked and sobbed, picking up where she had left off.

She didn't realize it while he was there, but she appreciated the human presence- any human presence- and as quickly as he had come he was gone. She felt more alone at the thought of this and felt completely lost.

A knock at the door interrupted her distress. She didn't bother looking up. The door cracked open and a plate of food was set down next to her, followed by a boy. The boy scooted closer to her and she immediately recognized his scent as Calum's. She wanted to scoot away, but felt too weak from hunger and also from her now swollen ankle to do so.

"Laurie..." He started, waiting for a response. Laurie said nothing. She had nothing to say to him anymore. She wanted to scream at him, to hit him, to tell him she hated him, but she didn't have the energy. She just sat there staring blankly at the ground, ignoring him. "Laurie, I'm sorry about this." He said.

Laurie was shaken by his apology. "Sorry?" She said without looking at him, creating and explosion of goosebumps on his arms. "Yes, I can explain everything to you if you'd just listen." He said to her. She finally looked up, her sad eyes meeting his expecting ones. "No. I don't want to hear it." She whispered, and he nodded. "And I don't accept your apology."

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