Half Empty

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Laurie sat in silence as she sped down the road. Calum was asleep in the passenger's seat and every once in a while Laurie would look over and smile at how squishy his face was.

She wasn't sure where she was or where she was going, but she knew that she was long gone from Luke and his hell house. She hadn't really had the time to take in everything she was feeling, but with Calum asleep and her thoughts running wild, she was almost forced to.

Was everything that happened with Luke a lie? What had he lied about specifically? Did he feel anything for her? Did he really mean it when he said he wanted to get to know her? Why would he play with her like that? Was this car even his?

Laurie froze. She prayed to God that it was, otherwise she really could get into some trouble for taking it.

She was shaken from her thoughts by a yellow light ahead and pumped the brake, stopping just in time for it to turn red. As she looked around she began to think again, and suddenly thoughts of Michael became the most prominent in her mind.

Did he know?

Laurie became immediately upset by the idea of Michael being in on Luke's scheme, but she brushed it off. Of course he didn't know, he would have told her. Right?

She looked around the tiny car and remembered the first time she and Luke had taken a ride in it. She remembered how afraid she was to be riding with him, and how she had laughed at him for it. She could also remember how much she used to hate him, and she felt the harsh sting of irony make its way through her.

Laurie yawned. She was tired of driving and her hands had become numb from gripping the wheel for so long. She ran a hand through her hair and groaned.

"What the hell?" She yelled at the abnormally long stop light and put her hands in her pockets.

Her face scrunched up and she yanked her hand out of her pocket, feeling a sharp stinging pain. She looked at her freshly cut finger and raised a brow. What in the world was in there? The light turned green and the car behind her honked. She swore before hitting the accelerator and pulling into a nearby McDonald's parking lot to check her pockets for whatever had cut her.

She emptied her left pocket first and found 37 cents and a melted piece of unopened gum. Gross, but not dangerously sharp. She checked the other and found a piece of paper wadded into a ball. It wasn't extremely sharp, but Laurie figured it was sharp enough to produce a paper cut and decided that it must have been the culprit.

Curious as to why exactly it was in her pocket to begin with, Laurie uncrumpled the paper and flattened it in an attempt to read what it said.

'9183729-Michael's room code. Give me a buzz if you need to talk :-)'

Laurie smiled. It was the note Michael had given her when they met, but now was the perfect time to use it. Though Laurie had no cell phone, and Calum's was probably long dead, she knew that the car had a calling feature somewhere.

She sat in the parking lot in the middle of the night pressing buttons, and after a while she just hoped that the phone capability would pop up somewhere. After several minutes of front windshield wipers, back windshield wipers, emergency lights, repeat, Laurie finally found the call button and thanked her lucky stars that Calum was asleep or he would have made fun of her severely.

A robotic voice blared over the car's speakers and Laurie fed it the phone number from the paper. It rang a few times and Laurie waited, hoping that Michael would answer or that it wasn't a wrong number. The phone rang and rang and rang, but no one picked up.

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