A Forbidden Flame

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After spending a night in her bathroom, Laurie's perspective had changed totally. Not only was she completely isolated, but she was completely vulnerable. If Luke had really wanted to, he could have overpowered her easily, and this both terrified and puzzled Laurie.

She also had time to think about the things which he had said to her. He told her she was 'lucky' and 'special,'  and she wondered what had given her those labels. Laurie rubbed her tired eyes and scoffed. "Lucky." She said breathily and stood up. "If this is what luck looks like, I'd hate to see the opposite end of it." She finished and turned the sink on, collecting little pools of water in her hands and running them over her face.

"I'm sure you would." A confident voice said from the other end of the door, and Laurie froze. Hemmings. She had gotten used to the sound of his voice and could easily identify it. In all honesty, that's what scared Laurie the most about her captor, physically anyway.

Sure, he was almost an entire foot taller than she was, but outwardly he wasn't very intimidating. There was just something about his voice- maybe it's depth, or the fact that when he spoke you could almost feel it- sent waves down Laurie's spine.

"Did I interrupt something?" He asked mockingly, and Laurie could almost hear the cocky little face she was sure he was making. "Only my entire fucking life, but besides that, no. Nothing." she snapped sarcastically, surprising both herself and her captor.

From the outside of the door, Luke chuckled. He had never been spoken to so boldly by any girl he had taken, and quite frankly, it excited him. The sound of Laurie's bedroom door being unlocked took his attention from the little game he was playing with her, and shifted it to the entrance where someone was lurking.

The door came open slowly and a full head of dark hair worked it's way in. Idiot. A little smirk began to play on Luke's face at the idea of Calum successfully sneaking into Laurie's room, only to realize that he wasn't so successful.

Calum had told Luke to his face that he didn't feel an attachment to Laurie, but Luke wasn't stupid. He knew from the second that Calum bailed on him and the rest of the guys to "just chill and watch some movies" with her that he felt an attachment, but all Luke could do was remind Calum and hope that he would listen.

The boy finally made it all the way into the room, his back still facing Luke, and checked the hallway one more time before closing the door quietly. Luke rolled his eyes, amused. "Hey, you're up here early." He said in his most falsely innocent tone of voice. Laurie turned the water off immediately, almost positive she knew who the new visitor was. Luke noticed her sudden silence and took note of it mentally.

Calum shot around and faced Luke, his face bright red and his eyes wide. "I... uh, I'm- I was jus-" Luke laughed bitterly and cut him off. "Shut up, Calum." He said, looking directly at him. Laurie shifted uncomfortably at how harshly he had addressed him and wondered how the two had managed to remain friends for such a long time with such an uneven balance of power.

Calum did as he was told, which was unusual, but had decided it was probably the best idea considering the position he was in. Luke stepped away from the bathroom door a bit, still holding eye contact with his guilty friend. "Cal," he started, more endearingly than Laurie had ever heard from him. "I'm not doing this to be mean, honestly... but you can't see her. Not now, not after she leaves, never ." he said seriously.

Calum took a deep breath, looking past Luke and at the door which he knew Laurie was behind. "Luke, you don't understand, she's-" Calum didn't even get to finish before Luke interjected. "I don't care how many times you've nailed this girl, Calum, get over her. She's business." he spat, and although neither of them could see each other, Laurie and Calum shared a wave of both embarrassment and anger.

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