'A Not So Peaceful Night'- Chapter 13

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Rusy's POV:

Alex got out of the car to open the garage door and walked inside. As soon as the car went into the garage Alex left through the front door and text me and Pink goodnight on our group chat. 

I opened the car door. "Pink you coming?" I ask her. Pink looked up smiling at me.

"I'm going to wait here for a bit. You can stay if you want" She said warmly.

I shut the car door and waited with Pink.

"You ok?" I questioned.

"Yeah just still a little shaken up from what happened earlier is all" Pink said facing me, still a smile planted on her face.

"Rusty," She said. 

"mmm" Was my response.

"I love you" She yawned leaning over to rest her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her as she was about to fall asleep on me...

"Pink I think we should get you to bed before you fall asleep" I laugh.

"Oh but your so cozy" She whined, now cuddling me. I remove her arms from me and get out of the car. Pink followed. I held her hand leading her up to her room. 

"Rusty, can you sleep with me?" I began to pull a smug face on her request.

"NOT LIKE THAT! RUSTYYYYYYYYYYYYY" She squealed and lightly punched my shoulder. I began to laugh.


*Alex makes baby crying sounds*-."AWWW NOW LOOK WHAT YOUVE DONE! YOUVE WOKEN MY POTATO!" Alex continued to yell at us. Pink and I just started to burst out laughing.

Alex opened his door and Julia came upstairs to see what the fuss was about. "What's going on? I can hear you guys even in the void" Julia rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"When you and Pink have a baby I'm going to do make a lot of noise so you guys can't sleep" Alex stated. And everything went black...

No one's Pov:

"Good job Alex now Rusty's fainted," Pink said sarcastically.

Julia just giggled a bit and felt a little embarrassed so she wished everyone good night and went back to the void.

"Alex go get some water please" Pink sighed. Alex responded with a 'No' and went back to bed with his headphones in.

Pink sighed once again dragging Rusty into her room and mumbled. "I don't think voids can even have babies can they?-" Pink was cut off by being picked up off the ground by under her arms and something whispered in her ear. 

"We can~," A familiar voice said. This made Pink blush.

"R-Rusty" Pink covered her face but her mouth while being lowered back down to the ground.

"AHAHAHAHAHA" Rusty laughed. Pink cuddled into his chest. "Rustyyyyyyyyy" She whined once again. 

"Hold on I'll put my pajamas on" Rusty smiled walking out the door. Pink quickly put on her pajamas and laid in her bed scrolling through social media.

Pink's Pov:

I was scrolling through social media when I saw a figure coming into my bedroom. I looked up from my phone to see Rusty walking over and getting into bed with me. We both lay down and I snuggle into his chest as he wraps his arms around me Both falling asleep in each other's arms.

Around 2:30 AM I woke up to the sound of crashes coming from the kitchen. I turn to look at Rusty who was still fast asleep I start to nudge Rusty to wake him up.

"Rusty..." I said tiredly. A small moan came from him. "Rusty" I was shaking him move violently now.

"Mmmmm what" he grumbled now awake.

"I think someone's downstairs" I whisper.

"It may be Alex or Julia. Just go back to sleep I'm sure it's nothing Pink" Rusty reassured me. I still felt unsure but if Rusty was ok I shouldn't worry I guess...


 Rusty held my cheek and kissed me on the lips softly and laid back down with me wrapping his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his kneck and look up at him giving him another kiss on the lips, this kiss lasted longer and more passionate. I slowly wrap my leg around Rusty's hips as he slowly moves on hand to my thigh. I get up on top of Rusty with my fingers streaming through his hair. Rusty's hand's moved to my hips as if to hold onto me and then I began to-


I stopped mine and Rusty's... Thing... and looked up at my door. I looked down at Rusty who I was still on top of. I made a pleading face in hopes he would go see what was at least happening downstairs. He sighed. I could tell he was annoyed from this sudden disruption and so we went to get up as I got off of him. Rusty stood up and walked out my bedroom door into the hallway in which I followed him just in case something bad happens I can fly kick the 'intruder' if there was one.

"Pink you know you don't need to come it's probably Alex being you know... Alex. Go back to bed we've had a long day." Rusty insisted stroking a piece of my hair out of my face. And I still insisted. I guess he thought it was too late at night to argue about this.

Rusty turned on his phone flashlight and held my hand helping to lead me down the stairs, It was still pretty dark without the flashlight I must admit but yet Rusty had a bad phone with a dimmer light than other phones. I should have brought my phone I thought.

In the darkness, me and Rusty saw a dark figure... We couldn't tell who due to how CRAP Rusty's phone light was.

"Alex is that you?" Rusty questioned squinting his eyes to make out the figure.

A burst of sly laughter came from the kitchen as another object had fallen causing another crash on the floor.

"Rusty... I don't think that's Alex... Or Julia..." I whisper tucking at Rusty's sleeve.

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