'What do I do?'-Chapter 52

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Rusty's POV:

I walked out of the living room, away from Pink. Feeling agitated, I jumped into the Void transporting into my old bedroom. I snapped at her... I feel bad- What came over me?! I thought to myself feeling guilt rush through me like a wave. I guess it's kinda a good thing Tony took half my soul. Now I know how it feels- to feel this- Knowing that I've done this to you- 

"What's happening to me?" I mumbled to myself staring down at my whole arm which was rattling with scaring cracks of purple over them.

I raised one arm up slightly as if to summon something while walking to my desk, a thick, heavy, ancient book that appeared in my hand. The book read on the title 'The Void's'- A book that Voids can summon if needed to explain a rare Void illness or ability manual you could somewhat say.  I placed the book on my desk and I flicked through the pages of the book trying to look for some sort of source- a reason to all this strange stuff.


-Agitated all the time

-In pain all over my body



-Painful unnatural Purple cracks forming on me

I flick through skimming each page at unknown speeds trying to find something, a word or words matching my symptoms list- anything could be helpful. I was beginning to feel a bit in my stomach as I closed off near the end of the book with no luck until at the very end of the book was a half ripped page which had been torn off the bottom of the page which normally showed cures or something of some sort.

All the information that remained at the top was a hand-drawn picture of what the cracks looked like and color. I read one line which said 'This illness is normally contacted by the reason of a Hex, This can result in fatal circumstances'  I stood there astonished. I went to read the next line, 'Incase this is contracted you must-' And that was where it left off, due to the page being ripped there was nothing else to read... No one other than Voids have access to the book and what happens to one book happens to all. 

I clenched my hand into a ball and smashed it against my desk in bitter anger and frustration. "CAN'T I JUST FOR ONCE KNOW HOW TO CURE SOMETHING WITHOUT HASSLE?!" I yelled It felt good to get that somewhat out of my system.

What do I do?

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