Chapter 1

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Miles Edgeworth sat at the edge of a grave, the knees of his trousers grass-stained and muddy from being knelt there so long, pins and needles crawling its way through his shins to his thighs.

''Is this what you wanted father?'' He finally spoke after half an hour of just staring at the ground under which his father was buried only 1 short month ago, ''Julian's king. Julian of all people. All those years of preparing, all those uptight tutors and all that work, and it's been thrown out the window by him. I don't know how the smug bastard did it but he did,'' He spat, tears slowly rolling down his cheeks. ''He doesn't deserve the title. He's too childish and immature. You know he's already arranging me a wedding!? My 15-year-old brother is looking for possible suitors for me. It's simply awful. He's ruining your beautiful kingdom father, and there's nothing I can do about it. I just wish you were still here to stop him. He needs to be banished once and for all, not just sent away to another boarding school.'' he sighed, pushing himself up off the frozen grass, the patches he'd knelt in now thawed, making the knees of his trousers wet.

''But,'' He turned away from the grave, ''If this is how the gods intended it then I shall obey. If the gods had not intended it, it wouldn't be happening. I'm sure of it. Maybe soon he shall grow up and fill the hole you left in this kingdom father.'' He wiped his eyes with his gloves and smiled up at the statue over his grave. It was majestic and warm, just as his father had been. It truly captured him perfectly. He turned on his heel and strode back towards the castle, his cape billowing behind him as if it were a loyal subject.

He pushed the large doors open, causing all the staff inside to stiffen and turn around bowing.

''At ease. It's just me, don't worry.'' He smiled at the servants around him. They let out a collective sigh of relief and smiled at him, going about their tasks. However, one didn't. One walked towards him anxiously.

''Are you ok? You look a little shaken.'' Miles said, creasing his brow. The servant chuckled unconvincingly, giving Miles a shaky smile. He looked as though he were about to cry.

''Yes, your highness. I'm fine your highness. I have a message for you from the King your highness. He wants to talk to you immediately.''

''Ok, thank you. I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but you do look awful. I'm deeply sorry for anything my brother said or did. Please, go home and rest. You'll still be paid for any time you have off work, despite what Julian may make you believe.'' He smiled at the man, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly. Now the man really looked like he was about to cry.

''Thank you so much sir, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you.'' He said, smiling a wide shaky smile. Miles smiled as the man walked out to the gardens and out of the palace. Miles nearly hoped he'd never return, for the man's own sake. Julian was 15 and able to make grown men cry. The gods were cruel but it was for the best. Miles was sure of it.

As he made his way to the throne room, memories of his father overtook him like a tidal wave. He thought of all the times he would play in there with his small wooden trucks, and all the times his father read him The Little Prince. All the times his father let him sit on his throne and wear his crown.

''You'll sit there one day Miles. You'll wear the crown and rule my kingdom, and I trust you'll be an incredible ruler.'' He'd say as he held him in his arms, stroking his hair.

He wrapped his cloak around him tightly. No matter how much he resented Julian and everything he'd done he couldn't show it. It was the gods will so it was to be and that was the end of it.

He stood outside the door, straightened his hair and took a deep breath. If he presented any kind of weakness to him he knew exactly what would happen, and he certainly didn't want it to happen again.

''Your Highness,'' Miles bowed as he entered, then standing straight and staring at his younger brother. He sat with one let slung lazily over the arm of the throne, HIS father's throne, with the crown dangling precariously off of one of the spires at the top of the throne. He bit his tongue before continuing, ''I was told you wanted to speak to me?'' He walked towards him and stood in front of him. Julian looked up at him.

''Yes, he was very fast to tell you. Though I do have my ways of making sure everything is done quickly and efficiently.'' He smirked up at Miles deviously. he knew full well of the abuse Julian subjected his staff too, he knew it all too well. He truly did hope the poor man had decided to quit.

''I realised,'' Miles said coldly, not letting any ounce of the anger boiling in his veins bubble up to the surface.

''Well, it seems not everyone seems to fully appreciate all I do for them and this kingdom. There's been talk of a revolution down the southern end of the kingdom, any knights or staff I send down foolishly turn against me and join the fight. However, I know you brother. My whole life you've been there for me. So I want you to go. I want you to go down to the southern end of the kingdom and put an end to the revolutions. Your biggest act of loyalty to your baby brother. I want you to leave as soon as possible.''

Miles knew he couldn't object. He'd be thrown in prison for treason if he did. But going to see the revolution could be good. He could help them while also seeming to be helping Julian.

''I'll do it brother, for the sake of our father's kingdom.'' As soon as the words left his mouth he regretted them. Julian hated when what he thought was his kingdom was being referred to as his fathers.

Like a flash, Julian was up. Pure rage filling his hollow, uncaring eyes. Miles stumbled back and gulped. He knew what was coming. Julian grabbed Miles' hair, pulling him to the ground and kicking him in the groin. He took a sharp breath, his head going limp against his brother's grip. He lifted him back up, still with and white knuckle grip on Miles' hair, so much so he feared it would all be pulled out.

''Julian please I-'' He punched him in the mouth, causing him to bite his tongue hard, blood pouring out his mouth.

''You what?'' He spat, ''Didn't mean it? You said that last time. And the time before that. Don't you EVER mention that useless man's name in my presence again!'' He screamed, throwing Miles to the floor. He curled up, trying to protect himself as much as he could from further blows.

''Do I make myself clear?''

''Yes... Your Highness.'' Miles muttered from the floor, a small pool of blood had begun to form under where he lay. Julian reeled back and kicked him square in the stomach, causing him to cough up large puddles of blood onto the floor.

''I expect you to be back within a month. No more. And if you even think about joining those bastards? I'll have you dragged back here with you tied to the back of a wagon and dragged all the way back. If you aren't killed by that, I'll kill you myself.'' Julian said, his icy eyes piercing Miles' entire being as he slowly rose, wiping the blood from around his mouth with the back of his glove.

''Yes Your Highness,'' Miles said, bowing as he turned and walked out of the room.

It was time to start a revolution.

wOOP FIRST CHAPTERRRR yay! i love writing aus its so fun lol. its nearly 4 am but i wanted to get this done before i went to bed bc ive been so inactive this last week. this may also be longer than dangerous game lol anyway im knackered lol gnnn all - Alec

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