Chapter 11

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"Nick he's coming through," Apollo said, shaking the sleeping figure next to him. Nick awoke with a bolt, his head flicking over to Miles.

Everything hurt. Especially his head. A dull ache pulsated behind his eyes and around his temples, causing him to let out a small groan.

"What's... What's going on?'' He said groggily, not daring to open his eyes.

''We're in the medical wagon, Miles. You've been out for a whole day, we're halfway there.'' Phoenix said, pushing Apollo out the way so he could be closer to his friend.

''Halfway where?'' He replied, slowly but surely opening his eyes upon realising the lack of light within the wagon.

''Jeez, you hit your head harder than we thought,'' Nick chucked, but it was clear his heart wasn't in it. Had he been actually worried about him? Possibly.

Miles tried to focus his mind trying to let his eyes naturally lock into something definable about his surrounding area. His fuzzy mind and eyesight landed on something blue and calming. Something that made adrenaline shoot through his veins. Nick's eyes. He'd never realised just how brilliantly blue and secure they were. Like an immovable force holding him captive, while also grounding him on earth. He gulped. He realised something he didn't think was ready or in the right situation to explore.

"Yeah..." Athena said looking between the pair awkwardly as they stared at each other, "We got you into the medical wagon, by we I mean Nick, now we're going to destroy the monarchy from the inside. That jog your memory?" Miles squeezed his eyes shut, trying to banish the blur that engulfed everything. Then it hit him.

"My glasses," He said suddenly, causing Gumshoe to jump slightly, "I must have broken them when I fell oh Gods I-"

"Hey, no don't worry," Phoenix said, moving closer, putting a hand on Miles shoulder, "I have 'em right here. I grabbed 'em off the floor after you fell. I figured you'd be out for a bit so I didn't want you to lie on them and break them or something so I held onto them for you." He smiled, handing the black metal glasses to him. Miles smiled back, his hand slightly brushing Nick's as he took the glasses from him, placing them back on his face. He looked around, sighing. That was certainly much better.

''I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble, I didn't intend for any of that to happen I-''

''Miles, you don't have to apologise for passing out. Gotta admit, if you hadn't, I would've.'' Gumshoe said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

''Dead right,'' Nick said, causing Apollo to snort, ''You looked whiter than a ghost, you big baby,'' They all laughed, even Miles. It was strange. These people, who he'd barely known a week, were so much closer than any blood relative. They were all like a big happy family, even if they argued and quarrelled they were still family and to think he'd been accepted as one of them? He still couldn't believe it. If he was being honest, he loved it. He loved seeing Nick again and seeing where he'd disappeared to all those years ago. He loved meeting all these people and he loved his newfound family.

ok I am so so sooooo sorry it's been a month since I updated. i legit don't have an excuse but I just want to say I still love this book and this au and will continue to update. i haven't even made you all want to kill me yet, so don't think I'm leaving that soon lol. I will be updating more consistently but on not kind of schedule really. just whenever I have a chapter ready. i found having a schedule almost chore like. it made writing a lot less enjoyable to me so I hope now ill  be back for good. I'm also insanely sorry this is so incredibly short its only like 550 words but I just wanted to get something out asap. sorry again - Alec

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