Chapter 14

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''Incredible plan Miles. I can see it really paid off,'' Athena said snarkily from the cell next to theirs. He remained silent. If he heard one more comment on his plan, he was sure he'd have a real reason to be sat in the dank and disgusting jail cell. He'd right royally fucked up this time, with no wiggle room to escape. There was nothing he could do, nothing any one of them could do, to escape. They were well and truly fucked.

''I don't understand. How did he know?'' He muttered under his breath. It was all he could think about. Sure, he'd made Emma tell him, but how did even know that Emma knew anything? Like hell is he knew. Letting out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding, he let his head sink back against the cool stones, the grit and grime sticking to his hair, as his eyes squeezed shut. If he was to be stuck there, he may as well get used to having a constant layer of dirt attached to him.

The sudden jangle of metal keys caused Miles' eyes to slowly open. Dinner time already? Lovely. He thought sarcastically.

''Prince Miles, the King requests an audience with you,'' The tall, worryingly thin guard said, all while opening his cell.

''What?'' Miles and Nick said in unison, equally as confused looks plastered on their faces.

''I'm not sure, sorry. But he also requested, well aggressively demanded, that Prince Miles must be alone and in cuffs. Something about you being a dangerous criminal Your Highness,'' The guard said, unhooking a pair of steel handcuffs from his utility belt and placing them loosely around his wrists.

''May as well do as I'm told, not much left to lose at this point,'' He shrugged non-chalantly. It was almost as if he wasn't currently a prisoner.

The walk to the throne room was long and silent, only the metallic sound of metal on metal as the cuffs chains bashed into each other, the guard leading him down the corridors. His stomach twisted in embarrassment and rage. This was so dehumanising. Being led as if he were a dog on his daily walk. Everyone who he'd ever loved and respected gaping in horror as he was dragged through the castle.

''Well Mi, how was your 4 hours of prison?'' Julian said as Miles closed the door of the thrown room.

Miles bit his tongue. He wouldn't give him the satisfaction. He couldn't.

''What? Did one of the rats down there bite your tongue off? Suit yourself. Either way what's about to happen will still happen.''

''You what?'' Miles said, his brow creasing significantly.

''Oh don't you remember? Your little agreement with Franziska?''

''I- Oh gods.'' Miles' face dropped, his gaze becoming distance as his lips pursed in regret. Julian only laughed.

''Yep!'' He exclaimed excitedly, jumping up from the throne and running over to his older brother, ''My big brother is getting married! Oh gods this is gonna be great! To see Nick's face too! I cannot wait this will be incredible,'' His voice twisting in excitement.

''I- I can't believe you.'' Miles said quietly his pupils dialating in dispair. Finally, he'd found someone who actually liked him, someone who didn't just like him for the title and the status and the money, and Julian had screwed it up. ''I can't fucking believe you! I'm finally fucking happy and you just... I can't believe you.''

''Have you finished your temper tantrum? Yes? Ok good. You're to be wed bright and early tomorrow morning. You'll be allowed to shower in the morning and the ceremony will be at 9.30. Oh this is perfect!'' He grinned, skipping around his brother as he stood defeated with his eyes squeezed shut.

Miles said nothing, he only stared at the ground trying to process everything that was going on around him. Oh gods. Oh no.

''Take him back to his cell. I need to start preparing for the big day!'' He ran out of the thrown room like a child on Christmas day as the guard pulled him away.

As soon as he was shut back in his cell, the door securely locked and his cuffs removed he fell onto dirty old matress on the floor. Everything was falling apart. He wasn't sure if him and Nick were really anything, but even if they were that would be gone by tomorrow morning. The people who'd become like family to him, they'd surely be sent back, or worse killed for treason. The kingdom he'd sworn to protect would further succumb to wreck and ruin under the rule of a foolish child. A foolish, foolish child.

''Miles please,'' Nick whispered after everyone had fallen asleep, ''What did Julian say? You've barely said anything since you got back.'' Miles rolled over to look at Phoenix who was only mere centimeters from his face.

''Tomorrow. He's set the date for the wedding.'' Miles said, tears brimming in his eyes. He didn't know why. He was 17, he needed to be a bigger man than this. Boys don't cry. Boys don't cry. He couldn't. Not in front of Nick.

''The- Oh. The wedding. With...?''

''Franziska. I- I don't want to marry her, Phoenix. She's... I don't know but she's crazy. I only agreed because I thought I'd be in power then but I'm not and I'm... I'm scared, Nick.'' His voice trembled, tears overflowing from his eyes and onto the dirty mattress.

Nick didn't say anything, he just slowly raised his hand to Miles' cheek, wiping the tears away with his thumb. The action, while small, made the biggest difference to Miles. He smiled a little, his breath slowing slightly.

''We'll figure something out. Anyway, if you're going to be my boyfriend then I can't have Franziska getting jealous. I'm clearly the superior partner here.'' Miles laughed quietly, rubbing his eyes. Then he paused. Had Nick said boyfriend? Did he actually want to be like that with him? Initially, the thought hadn't even crossed his mind, but over the past 6 hours, everything had begun swirling around his mind, all the doubts and insecurities taking over over any rational part of his brain. They'd both said it, why did he doubt something that was so certain? It didn't matter. Either way, he was here right now with Phoenix, even if the circumstances weren't exactly ideal.

Slowly but surely, they drifted off together, secure in the knowledge that whatever happened, they'd be alright.

woooo okey dokey i have 2. a large issues rn. 1) yesterday my laptop literally just said ✌️😚 nd isnt working so im still waiting for that to get fixed oop AND 2) teachers have this thing atm that's like "hmmm today i will. set my students more work than they'd have in a normal school week" so press E for the people. apart from that, i'm gonna try nd post more. i will be typing on my phone tho so like. grammar??? who she??? okey byeeee - Alec

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