Chapter 12

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Miles took a deep breath. He wasn't sure if he was about to throw up or faint again, but he was determined to not to do either. He stepped out of the medical wagon and stretched his back, hearing the satisfying pop of his back and neck. Miles looked up at the palace he used to call home. After all, he'd learned, he wasn't sure if this was even the same place anymore. He took a deep breath and looked around carefully, making sure no one could see him.

''Ok, you can come out now. We're going to have to go around the back, there'll be too many people around the front.'' He said quietly. The others nodded, slowly climbing out the wagon.

''Wait, Miles,'' Nick said, grabbing his hand. Miles' heart leapt and Nick quickly pulled his hand back, ''Sorry I-''

''It's... It's fine. What's up?'' He said, squeezing his eyes shut and turning around smiling.

''The workers and maids. Won't they see us no matter what?''

''Probably. But trust me, Julian has only been ruler for just over a month and if there's anyone who hasn't been abused by him they're scared enough to not care if we're trying to... you know,'' He smirked, trying to feign some kind of confidence. Clearly, it didn't pass but Nick's shoulders relaxed and he smiled back, a deep sadness in his eyes. Miles had the exact same sadness reflected in his own eyes. It was the same deep longing for something he couldn't have. Something he longed for more than anything. But, like a child in a toy store, he couldn't have his favourite toy on the shelf. The toy he wanted was just out of reach and just out of his mother's price range. The toy that called to him, the toy that he would look after and play with every day, but alas it was too much and too far away. So, he turned so his back was facing the toy and walked away, leaving Nick with the exact same feeling.

Suddenly, a familiar voice called out from the yard, calling his name. Emma.

"Miles? Miles! You better be out here or I swear you're dead young man." She called, finally locking eyes with him.

"Hey Emma," He said as she pulled him into a deep hug.

"Who hurt you? What happened?"

"What are you talking about? I'm fine."

"Julian said the Northerners had hurt you and... Who are those people?" She said, looking behind him.

"Calm down, they're my friends. Emma, this is Klavier, Apollo, Athena, Nick, and Gumshoe. There is 2 more of us but they're back down north holding down the fort. Everyone, this is Emma." Everyone smiled at her sheepishly as she stared them all down with judging eyes, combing over every last detail of each of them, he eyes stopping at Phoenix.

"Well, I never. Little Nicky! Look how big you are! You've definitely grown at least 10 foot since the last time you were here. Your arms have gotten bigger too. Last time I saw you you were thinner than a pile of twigs. Good to see you beefed up a bit. What brings you back, how's your father?" She exclaimed, causing Nick to gain a significant red tinge to his face.

"Emma lay off him," Miles said, a little red creeping into his own cheeks. He'd noticed before how strong Nick looked, he knew first hand how strong he was but now that's all he could think about. Now really wasn't the time for these unnecessary feelings, "We actually need to talk about why we're here."

"Go on then lad, spit it out."

"We're... we're here to finish my plan."

"You're plan... Oh, your plan. Right. Well, I'm glad you found little Nicky, without him you'd have been a sitting duck with your noodle arms." She laughed. Miles had never been particularly suicidal, but for the first time in his life he wished someone would run him over with a wagon

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