Chapter 7

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She was here. Klavier's brothers contact. Miles didn't know what he'd expected honestly, but it wasn't who he saw in front of him. Certainly not her. Anyone BUT her. She hated him. Always had been, always will do. She hadn't always hated him it was as if, just as of the last 5 years, some kind of extreme hatred had begun to boil within her directed wholeheartedly at Miles. She definitely wasn't going to help them. Not for money, anyway.

"Well well. Miles Edgeworth. Never expected you to come crawling to me for help," She smirked.

"Well, it wasn't as if I had much of a choice. If I'd have known it was you I would have told them to not bother," Miles said scornfully, crossing his arms and looking her up and down.

Franziska Von Karma. Their fathers had been friends while they were young, so by way of obligation, they were friends. Though friends had always been a strong word for what they were. Franziska would follow Miles around the palace while their fathers dined and wouldn't leave him alone until she had to be forcibly dragged home. However, their fathers had been convinced they were the best of friends which, to Miles, made very little sense even at a young age. The only words he'd ever really say to her were "Hello," and "Goodbye,". Even then, it wasn't particularly kindly. Even back then he did everything in his power to avoid her. Clearly it still worked as well as it had when they were 9.

"Hmm yes, I'm sure of that. I always knew you were just being a proud, arrogant boy. I bet you asked for me specifically," She said, smiling at him sweetly. How far up her own ass was she?

"I assure you, I still mean what I said back then. I don't, and severely doubt I ever will have feelings for you Fran-" He was cut off by the girl planting a firm kiss to his lips, even going to the extent to grab his collar to keep him close to her.

Miles made a sound of surprise as she did so, trying to pull himself away to no avail. Luckily, Phoenix was nearby.

"Get off him that's not what you're here for." He said, pulling Miles away from her forcefully, slightly choking him. Why was everyone treating him like a rag doll these past few days? He couldn't work it out. First, he's kidnapped and drugged, now he was being kissed by the girl he thought he'd finally gotten rid of and was being choked by a strangely muscular boy he'd just met. It wasn't exactly how he thought his week would go.

"I see you're still as fun as you were when you were 13 Miles." She scowled, rolling her eyes as if she wasn't the one who'd just completely shown herself up.

"I see you're as mad as you were when we were 13. I'm assuming you still have the whip?" He said snarkily. He felt a lot more comfortable with Phoenix in the vicinity, at least then he could stop her from trying to go further with him.

"I do actually and it's been dying to touch you again. 5 whole years is a long time you know." Miles closed his eyes, both terrified and disgusted at her choice of words.

"Can we stop bickering like little kids and get on with it please?" Phoenix said from beside Miles.

"Yeah," Apollo backed up from the sofa where he was lay reading with Klavier, "It's like a bloody rom-com in here, can we just get on with it?'' He said, poking his head up before laying his head back onto Klavier's lap.

''Alright then. What do you need me for?'' Franziska said, crossing her arms and not taking her eyes off of Miles.

''We need you to deliver a message to my brother saying I've been injured by the rebels and need him to send down soldiers and a med-cart as quickly as possible,'' Miles spoke steadily. He didn't want to further annoy his new friends. However, seeing how Phoenix had reacted to her kissing him was... strange. He was very defensive. He mentally scolded himself. He'd only known the guy for 2 days, he probably just wanted to get on with the meeting. Yes. He just wanted to be efficient. He and Franziska were being very obnoxious anyway.

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