Chapter 5

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Miles walked with the boy out of the large and eerily dark room. He wasn't sure what to make of this entire scenario. He'd just been kidnapped by one of his soon to be subject. The more he thought about it, the more his headache returned, so he opted for the painless route of not questioning it.

''Wright.'' The boy said, startling Miles out of his thoughts.

''Pardon?'' He said, slightly shaken.

''It's my name. Phoenix Wright. There's something about you... I can't put my finger on it but I feel like you're trustworthy.'' Miles smiled.

''Well, I'm glad you think so. The same goes for you. It's... peculiar.'' They shrugged it off. Probably just an accurate gut feeling. Yes. A gut feeling.

''There aren't many of us in the core group but they're a good bunch. All very skilled in their own rights and areas. If this plan is going to go through AND work, you need to trust and be familiar with each and every one of them. Ok?''

''Yeah. Ok.'' Miles simply put. He never had been good with meeting new people, but while he'd usually avoid it he clearly couldn't. Like Phoenix had said, he needed these people on side and ready to listen to him if he wanted to get Julian off the throne.

Phoenix led him into another large room, this time fully lit, with a wooden table in the centre. Cupboards lined the walls and there was even a sofa next to a bookshelf filled with books. However, the items weren't the only thing in the room. It was also filled with around 7 people, all of different heights, ages and genders. The smallest was a young girl, she looked around 14, but no matter what innocence she had, it was cut through by a cold glare. Miles flinched. What had he gotten himself into?

''Right guys. I want you to meet Miles. He's here to help.''

''You told the prince about our plan? AND brought him into our base? You really are losing brain cells, Nick,'' The small girl said, walking over to them, ''What are you? A spy? A bug? A rat? Can't wait to see how this one nearly gets us thrown in jail.''

''That lovely young girl is Maya. And she,'' He said pointing to a taller girl, around 19 Miles' would guess, who looked very similar to Maya, ''Is Mia. Maya's big sister. She's the real brains of the operation. The ginger girl on the sofa is Athena and that spritely group of guys over there are Apollo,'' He pointed to a short boy, around 15, with unevenly spikey hair, ''Klavier,'' Then to a taller boy with long blonde hair braided over his shoulder who flashed him a charming smile. Miles hesitantly smiled back. ''Then the big guy is Dick but we just call him Gumshoe.'' Everyone was staring at him. He wasn't really sure what to say.

''Ah... Hello everyone. I... I know you don't trust me. And I don't blame you but I promise you I'm not a spy or a bug or a rat. I came here to help you.''

''Yes and I'm the newest member of the privy council. Sorry, bud but that isn't going to cut it.'' The ginger girl, Athena, said snarkily before flopping back down onto the sofa.

''Athena stop it,'' Phoenix said, not harshly more strictly, ''Trust me, I wouldn't let him in if he wasn't trustworthy.''

''Phoenix he's an Edgeworth. Look where trusting the last one of his lot got us.'' Mia said, almost pleadingly.

''Yes, Herr Wright. I'm sorry but I don't trust him either. His father promised us to finally help us become a prosperous city, however, we are now even more destitute than before.'' Klavier spoke up. Phoenix nearly looked defeated. But Miles wasn't giving up yet. He'd convinced Phoenix to trust him so he could do the same for everyone else.

''No. I'm not like him. Just... listen to me. I can get you into the castle without suspicion. On top of that, if you help me get on the throne I'll make your city prosperous. It won't happen overnight, of course, but if you can get me on the throne I'll immediately begin sending resources down to help you. Food, housing equipment, jobs. If I'm king I can get it for you,'' Miles pleaded, trying his hardest to be convincing, ''Jobs at the palace are high paying and fair, but with Julian as king, they aren't. He's lowered their pays and is abusive to all the staff, me included. He needs stopping.'' He was practically begging at this point, but he'd read once in a book that being vulnerable was a fast track way to get people to believe you. Gumshoe let out a sigh. He'd been silent this whole time, just listening to everyone.

''Pal, I- I trust you. It's not like we have a lot less to lose anyway. We may as well. Mia?'' He asked, trying to get her to second him. She rolled her eyes and smiled.

''What the hell. Sure, it's very risky but if you mean what you're saying, not trusting you will do much more harm than good. I trust you.'' Mia said, looking over at Miles with a small smile.

''Yeah what they said,'' Maya said grumpily. Anthena only grunted, staying flopped on the sofa. Miles wasn't sure if she was even actually awake.

''Herr Gumshoe is right. I trust you,'' He smiled again at him, this time, Miles actually smiled back. Klavier elbowed Apollo.

''Hm? Oh yeah. I agree, it'll do more harm than good not to trust you, especially if you are telling the truth.'' He smiled awkwardly at Miles. Klavier rubbed the smaller boys arm affectionately.

''So everyone's in then?'' Phoenix said, smiling wide.

''I guess so. I'm not sure about Athena though I think she's asleep I'm not 100%.'' Mia said, laughing a little while peering over at the younger girl.

''She probably is asleep but this is a democracy so with that said, welcome to the crew Miles.''

''I'm glad to be here, and I hope we can get better acquainted,'' He smiled, genuinely. This could work.


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