Chapter 8

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''What was that about?'' Miles asked, grabbing Phoenix's arm before he could walk any further away from him.

''What was what about?'' He whipped around, pulling his arm away and crossing them across his chest.

''The random outburst? Running off? We may barely know each other but I can tell something's up.'' Miles said, softening his face slightly.

''I told you. It's nothing.''

''It clearly isn't nothing. Phoenix you can talk to me. Just because we only met a few days ago doesn't mean we aren't friends. What's going on?''

''That's exactly the problem. You don't remember. You think we've only known each other for a few days but it's been more than that.'' Phoenix sighed exhaustedly. The way the fading light fell on his face... it was like he'd aged. His soft features were hard and rugged, his soft blue and brown smiling eyes a dark grey. they looked pained. So much emotion in someone his age. Very little of them were good. Miles let out a soft gasp. A surge of memories came flooding back to him of times long forgotten. Times of innocence and peace. Times where the winter sun's biting beams cast softly on the grass of the palace gardens.

''Nick...'' He mumbled, looking at the boy in front of him. A hot rush of shame flooded his body. They'd been best friends. Closer than close. Yet he'd forgotten him.

''Yeah. It's me.'' He said, looking down.

''I'm so sorry I-''

''No, it's fine. I get it. It's just seeing you for all these years at the top while I'm still down here at the bottom just... stings a bit that you don't remember. Makes me wonder if you ever actually cared about me back then.''

''Don't think that for a second. Of course, I cared about you back then. I still do now. You were my best friend, Nick. We still can be.''

''It's just... I... never mind.'' He finished, smiling sadly.

''You what? Come on. Tell me.''

''Seeing that you're agreeing to marry that girl? I remember how much you hated her, even back then. I can't understand it.'' He shook his head.

''I'm only agreeing because I have to. Julian will trust her and let her into his throne room. If it was anyone else, he wouldn't let them in.''

All the warm memories were filling his brain. He could barely think about the situation at hand. It really was him. All the times they'd played together and sat in his room just talking... It was incredible to think about. Maybe he did like him back.

''I know. It's just when she kissed you I just stiffened up. I didn't know what to do. So I just pulled you away, thinking maybe it'd help but even then I couldn't help but feel... weird. It's probably nothing it's just... I can't be doing with her.'' Phoenix closed his eyes, squeezing them shut tightly.

''No, it's fine. She makes me feel like too, especially around you guys. She's too... pushy. Needs to be taught boundaries if you ask me,'' He said, attempting to lighten the mood. Phoenix laughed a little.

''Yeah she does,'' He took a deep breath, ''I'm sorry I ran off and got mad. It's not your fault you don't remember, I shouldn't have overreacted.''

''It's fine. It was a perfectly reasonable reaction. I'm sorry too. I don't know how I forgot about all those fun times with you. But it's nice to see you again,'' He smiled softly, Nick smiled back.

''Yeah. It's good to see you too,''

They walked back in silence. Not an uncomfortable silence, however. It was a silence of reunion. A silence full of forgotten memories and happiness long gone.

''Huh. So he didn't kill you? Lucky sod,'' Apollo muttered in between bites of a sandwich. The contents of it were undeterminable however Miles wasn't sure he wanted to know considering Apollo's track record of strangely filled sandwiches. Phoenix looked slightly perturbed as well, staring cynically at the younger boy and shaking his head.

''Yeah it's all good,'' Phoenix said, finally dragging his eyes away from the gross mess in Apollo's hands.

''Does he...?'' Mia said hesitantly.

''Yeah he remembers now,'' Phoenix smiled.

''Is Franziska gone?''Miles said, looking around worriedly. He didn't think he could deal with another 5 seconds of her.

''Yeah luckily,'' Maya said, rolling her eyes, ''She was a complete fruit loop. How did you tolerate her for so long?''

''Honestly? I didn't. If I had a bronze piece for every time I had to tell her to leave me alone within a month I'd be able to feed the entire kingdom for a year.'' Miles joked, warranting a couple chuckles from his companions.

''Jokes aside she might have either just made or broken our plan. All we can do now is wait and get ready to move out in 4 days. Eat any food that might go off while we're gone and get your bags ready. They could be here at any time.'' Phoenix said. Everyone nodded in agreement and went about their days.

Miles, however, couldn't seem to get his conversation with Nick off his mind. What he'd said it just... he wasn't sure how he felt. He'd only ever felt this feeling when he was younger, playing with him in the gardens. Happiness perhaps? Accomplishment? No, this was different. This feeling was nearly a negative one. The butterflies inside him had returned, fluttering around inside him, filling him with a strange nervousness. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to imagine what his father would tell him in this scenario.

''Listen to your gut feeling, Miles. If it tells you to run, run. If it tells you to fight, fight. If it tells you to stop and enjoy the view, you stop and enjoy the view,'' His father's voice filled his mind. What did that mean? His gut was telling him he was about to lose his lunch, did that mean he should stick his fingers down his throat? No, maybe not. His gut was telling him too much, it was overwhelming. So, rather than face his problems, he went to his temporary room and prepared to go to bed.

He snuffed out the candles and lay facing the ceiling, the butterflies still invading his stomach. The words of his father circled his mind. What did he mean 'stop and enjoy the view'? He never truly understood his father's wise words until a situation arose that it became relevant, so, in the same fashion as he had done since he was a child, he rolled over and drifted off to sleep, assured by the thought that all would become clear when necessary.

is it sad that miles avoiding his problems by sleeping is the story of my life??? probably lol. i need to stop projecting myself onto Miles w this shit lmaooo my bad. also sorry i didn't upload on monday, but ive changed my upload schedule. i'll be posting on wednesdays, fridays and sundays now so im not tiring myself out lol. anywho byeeee

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