Chapter 13

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Miles didn't think he'd feel this airy walking towards his near-certain doom.  He was about to commit high treason and take his heritage and his kingdom back from his psychopath brother, but hey Phoenix liked him back. He hadn't realised how many doors would be opened that were previously closed in his life. The first King to marry a man. He liked that.

He stood outside the doors to the throne room and took a deep breath. Nothing good was about to come out of this interaction, but Miles had Nick to fall back on. Even just the thought of being able to kiss him again once this was done with made him determined to finish this here and now. He took another deep breath and pushed the doors open, walking in defiantly. No bow, no show of submission. Nothing. This was over.

"Ah Miles. Just in time." Miles' air of confidence shattered as he saw the boy sat on the thrown. He hadn't changed. The same smug smile. The same messy black hair and the same dark, empty eyes.

"Julian," He said straightening his back and trying to pick up his shattered confidence, "Hand the crown over and no one gets hurt," Julian said nothing. He just laughed.

"You always did have a strange sense of humour My."

"I'm serious Julian. Don't make this harder than it has to be."

"Or what? You'll call your vagabonds on me? Nice try at sneaking in with them by the way, I think you forget I have my ways to make people talk," He grinned and nodded at the guards by the door, who pulled Emma up from the floor.

"Oh, my gods. Emma," He said, moving towards the woman.

"Miles no. I'm so sorry... I just wanted it to stop. I don't want you getting hurt."

"Emma don't be sorry it's not your fault. It's fine."

"Awww always were an obstinate softy weren't you. Especially for that Nick. Yes, I did find out about your little "display" in your room with him. I have to say, I'm quite impressed. I didn't think you'd have the balls to do it but look at you now."

Miles was more confused than scared. How did he know about him and Nick? HE barely knew about Nick and him. More importantly, what was this all leading up to. Julian always had liked a good monologue but this time he really was dragging it all out.

"Fine then. You really caught me red-handed there. I kissed a boy, and you know what? I liked it. Throw me away and lock away the key."

"I think I just might. Guards! Seize him."

"I think you're forgetting that Father passed legislation saying that anyone could see and marry anyone they choose to," Miles said defiantly.

"What did I say about bringing up him in my presence?!" Julian yelled, swiftly standing up from the throne. The guards and Emma audibly gasped, flinching in fear. Miles, however, stood still, not flinching or even moving. He was finished with dealing with his brother's abuse.

"I seem to have forgotten. Could you remind me?" Julian took a deep breath as if trying not to snap.

"Yes well, it doesn't matter. I'm king now and I say it's illegal and that you can only marry or see a man if you are female and vice versa. Guards!"

"You can't do that. You need legislation from parliament." Julian's jaw muscle twitched, his jaw clenching.

"Well too bad I disbanded parliament then. Guards!"

Shit, Miles thought he finally had him backed into a corner. Without parliament, he had a tyrannical rule over Collar and could pass any law he pleased. Shit.

"Enjoy jail big brother, and while you're at it guards, go to Miles' room and get his little boyfriend. Put them in the same cell together. I'm feeling nice." Julian said, a smug grin plastered on his face as the guards took him away.

As they exited the throne room the guards stopped and let him stand on his own.

"We're so sorry about this, Your Highness," One guard said, slowly and loosely clamping a pair of handcuffs on his wrists.

"Yes, Your Highness. We really aren't against you, if anything we..." He stopped, leaning in and lowering his voice significantly, "We agree with your cause. Pretty much all the staff here do. We're just too scared of... you know who to do anything."

"No, it's fine. I understand. I'm scared of him too. I'll figure something out. Put me in the cell with Nick as he said and we'll sort something out." He smiled weakly, continuing the walk to his new home.

oop another short update. I am gonna try and make them a lot longer from now on but that may mean that it'll be a bit longer in between updates so sorry abt that but!! they'll be longer and better quality hopefully. also, anything Julian is saying abt making it illegal to marry a dude if ur a dude isn't bc he's like homophobic it's just because he's an ass and likes annoying miles and making life hard for him ok ok ok byeee -Alec

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