Chapter 6

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''Well? You just gonna stand their gawking or are you gonna sit down? We need to discuss.'' Apollo said, raising his eyebrows. Miles gulped. How could some scrawny little 15-year-olds intimidate him this much? He wasn't exactly the strongest or most intimidating person around but he'd at least hoped they'd have been slightly more... well intimidated by him.

''Right, sorry,'' He said, hurrying to one of the spare seats next to Phoenix. He was the only one in the room who actually seemed to respect him and he appreciated that.

''First off,'' Phoenix spoke, ''We need to come up with some kind of plan. Miles being here definitely makes it easier but it isn't just going to randomly pop up in front of us. We need a solid plan.''

''How about we get Miles to go back to the palace and we all stay here and see what happens?'' Maya said innocently, however her eyes shot daggers into his soul.

''Maya no. Stop it now. We need an actual plan not you being an ass to him.'' Phoenix said sternly. Miles knew perfectly well he could defend himself but something inside him warmed knowing someone he shouldn't be able to trust or should even trust him actually would do it for him. But that was probably just him being stupid. Phoenix probably didn't even like him in any way. Just tolerated him. Yes. Tolerated.

''No it's fine. As I said, none of you has any reason to trust me or even like me so I understand. However, I knew this would happen ahead of time so I have a plan already.'' Miles smiled. He knew they wouldn't trust him and the looks on everyone's faces said they hadn't expected him to either.

''Ok then Princey grace us with your plan,'' Athena said, raising her eyebrows and smirking slightly. If it was intended to make him even more nervous about his plan, it worked tremendously.

''Ah well, so my plan was that I send a message out to my brother and tell him I was injured while in the city. He'll have to send down one of my personal servants and I know exactly who'll insist to come along. They all want Julian off the throne as well so we can use the medical wagon to sneak all of us back onto the palace grounds. Then, we can steal the crown and he'll be automatically dethroned.'' Miles looked at them all, their eyes widened. They clearly hadn't actually expected him to have a plan, let alone a plan that would work.

''That... is actually a killer plan,'' Maya said, breaking out into a small smile.

''Regret giving him shit yet?'' Mia said, elbowing her younger sister playfully. Maya crossed her arms stubbornly but didn't say anything. Miles laughed a little.

''Yeah Miles it's a great plan. How are we going to get the message to him though?'' Phoenix asked, biting his lip.

''That's the hard part. What we're going to have to do is actually make it seem like I've been injured trying to stop you. I was initially sent down to do that but I obviously deviated. If he thinks you've attacked me, he'll be angry. And when he's angry he gets thrown off his guard and won't be focused enough to realise what happened. He'll send down a load of troops, most of them he'll have abused in some way or another, so we can convince them to join us. When we have enough people, we can come back and go all in.''

''That doesn't seem too difficult. Get a royal medical cart, smuggle ourselves into the castle and destroy the hierarchy of one of the most powerful kingdoms in the world. Easy as riding a bike.'' Apollo said, leaning forward on his hand thoughtfully.

''More like easy as killing your first guard. You didn't answer his question. How are we going to get the message to him?'' Athena said, leaning forward too.

''We could pay someone to go up,'' Gumshoe offered.

''No... that's too risky. We need someone we can trust.'' Apollo replied, continuing to lean forward.

''Like who? There's not one person outside of this group we can trust to not just leg it off with the money.'' Athena said, scrunching up her face.

''How about my brother?'' Klavier said hopefully.

''The convicted criminal? Yeah, he's really trustworthy Klav,'' Apollo said, looking at the taller male, his eyes softening slightly.

''Ah no. He has changed. He is a good man now. We can trust him.''

''Hear him out Apollo,'' Phoenix said, silencing him.

''Kristoph has many contacts around the country. I know a lot of them too. I could decide who takes the note and ask Kristoph to get in contact with them and get them to take the message up to him. A lot of them aren't exactly poor either so they would be able to get there and back to us in just 2 days.''

''And you're sure we can trust him?'' Miles asked hopefully, leaning forward towards Klavier.

''Yes of course,'' He smiled, beginning to prepare to leave, ''If I leave now I can have the message to one of his contacts by mid-afternoon.''

''Ok. See you Klav,'' Phoenix said with a smile. The blond boy smiled back as everyone said goodbye in turn. Before he walked out he planted a small kiss on Apollo's head. He smiled and watched as Klavier left. Athena rolled her eyes and laughed, but said nothing.

''Well then. That's that sorted then,'' Miles smiled, ''Now, we need to put it in action.''

im so sorry abt the last chapter my bad lmaooo like i said it was on amino and ao3 i just always forget to post the parts on here lol again so sorry but i hope u enjoyed!!- Alec

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