Chapter 10

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Miles felt his stomach churn, the toast and tea begging to return to the surface; nervous was an understatement. Everything he'd been working for his entire life was but a few days away, and he was anything but prepared. He'd envisaged his coronation as a day of happiness and anticipation for the future, but it would more likely be a day of mourning and stress, immediately reworking the entire kingdom to one of prosperity and wealth; a kingdom unlike the one his father and brother had sculpted. He shook his head. There wasn't much he could do about that now, he could but wait.

He stuffed the last of his belongings into the over-packed messenger bag and took one last loom around his little room. He had only been there a week at most, but this room, these people, were more of a family than his real one. The room more of a home than the palace. He would fight for these people, whether they wanted him to or not. He would bring about prosperity.

A banging on his door awoke him from his thoughts.

''Come, Herr Edgeworth, we must leave,'' Said Klavier from another side of the door. He swallowed down all the anxiety bubbling its way up his throat and sealed his bag, opening the door and walking into the main living area, where everyone else was congregated and ready to leave.

''Right then. That's everyone. Let's go,'' Phoenix said with a grin, standing up from his assumed position on the couch. Miles let out a breath he hadn't realised he was holding. He thought he was going to be sick. His head was spinning, his heart was racing. It was either that or he was about to faint.

''Miles are you ok?'' Gumshoe said, looking concerned, ''You look really pale,'' He stood up and walked towards him, holding his hands out in case he did fall.

''I'm fine,'' Miles replied unconvincingly, ''Just a little warm is all,'' His voice was soft and quiet, not at all like his own. It was as if it were coming from a small child. Phoenix turned around.

''Yeah, Miles you don't look ok. Do you need some water or something?'' Phoenix said, his brow creasing as he walked closer to him.

''No, I told you I'm... I'm fine.'' He said, the world blurring in and out of view. Everything was so blurry and unfocused, he tried to lock on to something, anything, but his brain wouldn't let him. Then, it all went dark.

Darkness. Yet again. But he could see someone. It was Phoenix. He'd come to play. Miles stood up off of the grass and put his book on the stone wall. Running over to his friend. It'd been forever since he'd last seen him, at least it felt like it.

''That was mean of you,'' Miles said, crossing his arms pretending to be angry, ''It's been like 10 years since I last saw you,''

''Sorry your highness,'' He said, bowing jokingly, ''Mommy's sick so dad needed to stay home and look after her. She said she feels better though so I came right away,'' He said smiling.

''I'll forgive you this time, but only if...'' He looked around, trying to find something for them to play, ''If you can beat me to the top of that tree. 321 GO!'' He shouted before Phoenix even had a chance to comprehend what was happening.

''Hey! No fair!'' He giggled, chasing after the other boy.

All the days had been like that. Green and bright and filled with scrapes and bumps and bruises and giggles. It didn't matter what they were doing, as long as it was together it was sure to be fun. That was until she died.

Phoenix's father was so stricken with grief they moved away. Far far away. Every day, Miles waited. He sat in the garden, waiting with his book for Phoenix to return. He never did.

He was a teenager. Sitting in his room, finishing off his homework. Homework. Extensive homework. That's the most he remembered from his teenage years. Learning the way of the law and taxation. He'd always found the topics interesting but it really was true that too much of a good thing was bad for you. He'd forgotten what it was like to be carefree. Climbing trees and scraping his knees on rocks. Who was that boy he used to play with? He couldn't remember. He could only remember the empty feeling and the ache in his chest from the abandonment. A feeling he hadn't felt since he was very very young. Thoughts of his own mother came flooding in, squeezing his eyes just to block it all out. He let out a breath. He could cope without her, so he could cope without the mystery boy from his past. He put his head down and continued with his work. That was the last thought he'd have of the mystery boy for 5 years.

hey all how's quarantine going?? so far all I've done is play video games and draw so like I'm gonna enjoy my mocks in November lol. we have so much work to do so I'm just being the lazy and dumb asswipe I am and doing n o n e of it lol. anyway I thought id do a little flashback to give some context to them being close originally just so I can get that hhh a nd holding (sorry to all the people waiting til marriage :((( ) so yeeee byeee - Alec

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