Chapter 9

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Miles sat up. The fleeting dreams of the night escaping his mind. None of them were very clear, from what he remembered, but they hadn't been since he'd arrived. Everything had been such a whirlwind of emotions by the time he came to retire to bed he was exhausted. Day in, day out. Preparing the plan, talking to everyone. It was all so fleeting yet so tiresome. Miles could already tell being king was going to be difficult. Public relations were a huge part of his father's reign, so that was naturally expected of him. He closed his eyes, sighing. He couldn't be his father. He had to be better than him. He had to help those who were less fortunate rather than those who were handed everything on a silver platter.

Pushing himself out of bed, he began to remove his little clothing to shower, getting ready for the day. He stood under the cold water, washing in the probably stolen soap. It wasn't what he was used to, but for an old friend? He'd do it. If anything, he enjoyed it. Getting to see him again, making friends with all these people AND finally getting the title he deserved? He couldn't be happier. Sure, not everything was always perfect but that's what made life enjoyable. ''Life must have its downs for us to recognise the significance of its ups,'' His father had always said. He didn't always understand what his father was saying, but now he knew it to be true. All the anguish in the last month would soon be over, and a new era would begin. An era of equality and prosperity. An era of joy and better living conditions for everyone.

He redressed and walked out, still yawning. He hadn't bothered to fully dry his hair, he was still too tired to do anything about it. All he needed now was a warm cup of tea and a slice of toast.

''Morning Miles,'' Phoenix greeted as he walked into the general living space. His hair was as messy as his own, except it looked softer. The normally styled and sharp edge had worn off. The more Miles thought about it, the more he realised all of his features were softer. His smile while he hummed a small tune as he cooked eggs over the small urn. His eyes as he looked from Miles back to the eggs. So soft.

''Are... you ok? Kind of zoned out there,'' He smiled, pushing the eggs onto a clean plate., ''You want some?'' Miles snapped out of his daze, waking over to counter and looking to see what was available.

''Oh no I'm alright thank you. Just go eat your breakfast.'' He said, pulling two slices of bread out of the bag and beginning to toast them on the urn. Nick shrugged.

''Suit yourself,'' He said, carrying the plate over to the rickety wooden table.

''That table looks ready to collapse. Are you sure you don't want me to go to the market and buy a new one?''

''Oh yeah, it's fine. Sure it's old but I don't want you getting hurt,'' He said, smiling, ''Or wasting your own money you know. It's only a day or so until you go back anyway so it doesn't matter,'' He quickly added, reverting his gaze quickly back to the food on his plate. Miles tilted his head to the side, slightly confused. He shook it off, pulling his slightly burnt bread off the urn, beginning to boil water and place the tea leaves in the mug.

"Do you want some tea?"

"Nah thanks. I'll just stick with water." He said, looking down

"You seem off today. Are you alright?" Miles asked, pouring the hot water into the mug and sitting at the rickety old table, taking a bite of his toast.

''I'm fine. It's just that Franziska's supposed to be back any day now and it's... I don't know. I just don't want anyone to get hurt. These people are like my family; You're like my family Miles. I just don't want to watch a friend be killed.''

''Hey. Listen. No one is dying. We're all going to make it out alive and kicking and well, ok? You have every right to be worried for them, but I'm a big boy now Nick. I don't want you stressing yourself out about it.'' He smiled, nudging him with his elbow playfully as a grin crept up on Phoenix's face, ''See? That's the smile we need to see. You're a brave leader, Phoenix. What makes you even braver is your ability to show vulnerability. You're stronger than any army commander or any solider.'' He smiled, a small blush creeping across his face, as both boys smiled at each other, the pink hues mixing with the lighter and darker hues of each of their own skin tones. Phoenix cleared his throat, quickly turning back to the eggs on his plate. Miles did the same, picking his toast back up.

''Speaking of, where is everyone? Are they all still in bed?'' Miles said, washing down the dry toast with the warm, sweet tea.

''Athena, Apollo and Klavier are. Maya, Mia and Gumshoe are trying to sell some of our appliances before we leave. Keyword being 'trying'. They came back just before you came out and said no one wanted any of the old pots and pans. Apparently 4 silver pieces for 6 old pans is too much,'' He rolled his eyes, taking his first bite of food. Miles laughed.

''You still have that face,'' Phoenix scrunched up his face further.

''Yes I was born with it, sorry I'm not rich enough to just buy a new face,'' He said sarcastically.

''No idiot, the grumpy face. Whenever you get grumpy you pull that pouty face and your mouth scrunches up to one side and your eyebrows go down into your eyes and... and,'' He faded off, his eyes scanning his face, always falling back onto his lips. Phoenix blushed, trying not to notice his wandering eyes. Suddenly the door burst open, a sleepy Apollo standing in the doorway to his and Klavier's room. Both of their eyes were back on their breakfast. Could that be proof that he felt it too? No, it couldn't be. He was just over analysing it. Yes. Over-analysis.

''Wow I thought you were dead,'' Phoenix said laughing as Apollo began making his own food.

''Very funny Nick. Did I interrupt something? You were both talking before I opened the door then suddenly, dead silence.'' Apollo said with a yawn, beginning to make yet another atrocity of a sandwich.

Miles and Phoenix looked at each other briefly. Did he interrupt something? Neither of them were sure. But neither of them particularly knew the feeling that arose when they thought of possibilities where Apollo hadn't burst in.

''No, nothing.''

''Yes, nothing important anyway.''

On that note, the three began talking. None of them knowing this day was the day that would change everything. 

ooP SORRY I DIDNT UPDATE ON SUNDAY STUFF HAPPENED BUT HE Y I DID THIS RATHER THAN MATH so u can tell i really love u guys lol. anyway,,,,,, stuff is gonna happen on fridays update so like,,, watch out - Alec

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