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you were eight when you moved in with the laurences. you were already an orphan. prior to your moving, you lived with your aunt, alice, who was quite horrid to you, in her large house with her even larger self-conceit. and when she got sick, you were sent to live with laurences who were close friends of your family. the young laurence boy was also an orphan and he lived with his grandfather in america. you didn't want to leave england, it was all you had ever known. your aunt couldn't care for you anymore, you wouldn't inherit your family's riches until you were eighteen and you couldn't live alone, so you obliged to live with the laurences.

"theodore, meet [ y/n ] beauregard. she's come all the way from england. i knew her grandmother and grandfather well," mr. laurence pushed the scrawny boy forward and gestured for him to speak.

"it's laurie." he griped. "hello." the young boy stuck out his pale hand and gave you a small smile. inclined to make a good impression, you shook his hand firmly and grinned at him.

"well laurie, i'm sure we'll be great friends!"  you exclaimed. he liked your accent. it was new, fun, and interesting. he also liked your smile, it was inviting and warm. but suddenly, you frowned. fearing that he had done something wrong, laurie started to apologize profusely.

"oh no, it's just i don't like the name laurie very much," you explained.

"i've been trying to tell him," mr. laurence smiled and laurie groaned.

"how about...teddy?" you mused. pleased with the nickname, you nodded your head. "yes, teddy. that will do." theodore shrugged his shoulders. he supposed it sounded nice.

"fine, only you may call me that." he said, exasperated.

"deal." you shook hands with him and laurie grinned. he was starting to like you. you seemed fun and carefree, much like he was. mr. laurence watched the interaction and tried to hide his smile. they would get along quite nicely, he thought.

as the years went on, you and laurie became impossibly closer. you were each other's best friends.

"[ y/n ], i'm coming to find you!" laurie yelled as he searched throughout the large house. his grandfather's money allowed for a mansion which allowed for an unlimited amount of hiding spots for hide and seek.

laurie surveyed the study, lifting up boxes and looking behind shelves, until he saw a pair of blue mary janes peek out from underneath the green curtains, deciding he would sneak up on you. he made no noise, so you assumed he was gone. preparing to leave your spot, you felt someone grab you from behind and start tickling you.

"teddy! stop it! i can't breathe!" you wheezed from laughing.

"never!" he defied. at thirteen you both were wild. you should've been in a tutoring session but you had both decided that you would rather skip than learn about plato and socrates.

and now that you were fifteen, you were still the same. laughing and roughing and screaming. it seemed that you would never grow up. and you didn't mind it. your wish was to stay with teddy forever in his grandfather's beautiful house and play forever. however, some wishes change and most don't come true.

𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  ❙  theodore laurenceWhere stories live. Discover now