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IN THE EARLY morning, you set off to visit the march sisters once more. it had been a few days, giving you enough time to clear your head. beth had been over a few times to play the piano and she was great company. you and laurie were finally talking again. having forgiven you, you assured him it was just a heat of the moment thing and she would really like him back. he had been the one to suggest acting even closer to make her jealous.

you remembered you were going to visit the hummel's with beth today so you wore warmer clothes. the hummels lived in a sort of wood shack, five children and all, and a single mother at that, were barely making ends meet. so, to help, you brought a basket of clothes and some fresh bread. over your white dress which was laced with blue flowers, you had a shawl to give them during cold winters.

you walked in on a fascinating scene. amy had her foot plastered in a bucket, working on making a mold of it for god knows what. meg smiled as she read mr. brooke's letter, jo wrote a story, and beth was finishing a pair of slippers for mr. laurence.

"hi, girls!" you called, stepping into the doorway.

"[ y/n ]! how lovely to see you!" meg said, looking up from her letter.

"and you as well," you grinned at the other three. jo looked at you for a moment but shifted her gaze to the other side of the room. you would speak to her later.

"i'm making a mold of my foot for laurie to remind him i have nice feet." amy said, digging her hands into the plaster.

"well how very thoughtful of you," you smiled, sitting down in a chair next to her.

"mister brooke writes that father is still very weak, but improving. mister brooke also says mother is the best nurse a man can have..." meg trailed off.

"i wish all the letter were from mother and not mister brooke." jo said with spite.

"i'm grateful for any letters." meg shrugged, placing the letter on the table and started to work on an errand list.

"i think the deep purple is very fitting for mister laurence, do you agree?" beth asked to no one in particular.

"i think he'll adore it," you said sweetly. beth was a very gentle girl with a kind heart. you really did appreciate what she was doing for the old man.

"quite. and the design is very cunning." amy glances from her artwork.

"i had to thank him somehow for allowing me to play the piano at his house all the time."

𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  ❙  theodore laurenceWhere stories live. Discover now