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you were not excited about visiting aunt alice. she had been sick and (even though this was a rather awful thought) you really wished she would finally pass on. but, you had gotten news that her health was improving and she had miraculously pulled through. and she wanted you to visit her in england.

"and i'd very well enjoy your company in the period of time in which i am nursing back to health. then you may return back to concord after you have stayed for at least a week. i hope to see you soon. signed, your dear aunt alice moore." you had finished. scanning the letter again you were in disbelief.

"what?!" laurie exclaimed. "you're being sent back to her?"

"i'm afraid so..." mr. laurence trailed off. he was deep in thought, and sat on the couch in silence.

"i don't want to go back to wicked aunt alice. please don't make me go, mr. laurence. i consider you family more than her." you pleaded. your face was scrunched up in desperation and anger. you hated that woman. if you were to spend time with her, you would be gone for at least three months.

huffing, you walked back to your room, rather upset. you stood at the window and admired the view. you didn't know how long you stood there and you didn't notice the tears on your cheeks. but laurie had knocked on the door and brought you back into reality.

"who is it?" your soft voice spoke. you were still quiet upset about the letter. there was no doubt aunt alice would force you to engage in countless festivities and such (insisting on your need for a husband).

"prince theodore laurence, at your service." laurie joked. you could practically see him smile through the door. his twinkling eyes that perfectly yet seamlessly complimented the ever so endearing grin. your heart lightened and eyes brightened.

"the princess requests you come in," you played along. laurie entered the room with the anticipated dashing smile. you turned to face him and smiled as well.

"mon choupette, pourquoi pleures-tu?" loosely translating to: why are you crying, my cabbage? 

touching your cheeks lightly, you noticed the sudden dampness of your fingertips.

"was i? i hadn't even noticed," you laughed. laurie smiled sadly at your tear streaked face and pained grin. laurie just offered out his arms. you stood there for a minute, wavering.

you fell into his arms, sobbing.

"i know its horrible, but i'd just wish she'd roll over and die. she's so awful to me and keeps talking about how "foolish" and "ignorant" my parents were." laurie just stroked your hair. he listened to your whimpers and broken voice as you continued.  "she has no sympathy and she won't stop calling me an orphan." laurie kissed the crown of your head.

"don't worry. i won't let her take you for long. and it might be good for you, you never know. maybe she won't force you to marry someone."

"you know that isn't true." you sighed. "i might as well accept my fate now." you flopped into a chair, helplessly.

"don't give up, choupette, we'll find a way." he grasped your hand. so you sat, in the solace of one another, content with your life. you wanted to keep it that way even with whatever aunt alice would try and make you do. because, you were in control of your liberty and you weren't going to give it up so easily.

𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  ❙  theodore laurenceWhere stories live. Discover now