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"WHO-WHO'S THIS?" laurie says, turning to you. "who is he?"

"i'm so sorry to intrude, i was close by and i thought i—" the man's clearly nervous, you can tell. meg comes in at the new voice, followed closely by her husband. "i'll be going..."

"no!" amy bursts out, next to fred. "no! please stay, we have more than enough room."

"someone tell me who this man is?" laurie asked under his breath again, making you shush him quietly.

"i don't want to be a burden," the man continues. you. can tell he has some relationship with jo as he keeps looking at her and meg jumps in as well.

"oh, you're not a burden at all!"

"yes, of course. please." jo says, stunned. she had truly thought she lost her only friend.

"i'm laurie, who are you?" your fiancé says with an air of propriety.

"i'm fredrich bhaer."

"we, we were at the same boarding house together in new york," jo explains.

"oh, jo! he's very handsome," hannah says, making you all laugh.

that evening, everyone sits at the table talking, generously making room for jo's guest. mr. march and friedrich y'all about philosophy and religion and politics. and jo, is the happiest you've seen her in a long while. looking between the two of them as they sit next to each other, you can see that there is some sort of love between them.

"do you intend to stay in new york?" mr. march asks.

"no, i've been offered a professorship in california. and as i have, nothing keeping me here," he says, looking at jo. "i thought i might go west. it is new there, and they are less particular about immigrants." jo breathes sharply, and no one notices but you.

"perhaps i should go west," mr. march jokes. making marmee look at him disagreeingly.

"you aren't an immigrant, so perhaps you should stay home." you laugh good naturedly and rest your head on laurie's shoulder.

"oh, i'm going!" mr. march exclaims, making everyone laugh once more. it's beautiful and happy and everything was almost perfect.

after dinner, everyone sits in the living room, you practically on laurie's lap as you held a cup of tea.

"this is a beautiful instrument. which one of you plays." everyone falls quiet then, as fredrich eyes the piano.

𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  ❙  theodore laurenceWhere stories live. Discover now