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YOU, LAURIE, AND mr. laurence raced to the march house, after news of mr. march being in the hospital.

"what can we do?" you asked, hugging beth.

"if i may be of any more assistance, please tell me. i will look in on the girls every day, without fail." laurie's grandfather said to marmee.

"thank you, for everything," marmee spoke.

"i have always admired your husband, and i pray for a quick recovery." mr. laurence complimented.

you helped meg bring more linens for marmee to bring with her to the hospital.

"while i'm gone, hannah is in charge—and please remember to check on the hummel's, it will be a difficult winter for everyone..." marmee trailed off, looking for things to pack.

"marmee, i'll accompany them, you needn't worry." you offered.

"thank you, sweet girl," marmee grasped your hand.  you jumped when the door swing open, jo rushing in and placing money in marmee's hand.

"will this be enough for the train?" jo asked. you smiled at her and she smiled back, her heart blossoming in her chest.

"twenty five dollars! that isn't like aunt march to be so generous." marmee was stunned.

"oh i didn't go to aunt march, i couldn't bear to."

"where'd you get the money?"

"i only sold what was my own." jo nodded and took off her hat. she was quite afraid of what you might think of her hair. you gasped, like everyone else, appalled.

"jo! your hair!" amy laughed. laurie turned aside, concealing his laughter.

"your one beauty." amy said, appalled. "you look like a boy."

"well, it doesn't affect the fate of the nation, so don't wail." jo blushed.

"oh, i'm so proud your my daughter." marmee embraced her.

"i was just crazy to do something for father."

"it'll be good for my vanity anyway," jo said into her mother's chest.

"that could be nice." meg said.

"never do that," amy nudged beth.

"this isn't what i wanted for her." hannah said.

"oh, teddy." jo jumped into his arms. your heart ached watching him embrace her like that. "oh, jo." he said into her neck. laurie was hardly disappointed with her hair and as you slightly had hoped it would make him like her less, he still couldn't help but fall more in love with her. her heartlessness, giving up her one possession that amy called "her one beauty" made him care for her more. he ruffled her hair in endearment.

you wandered back to laurie as you, mr. brooke, and mr. laurence, watched the embrace. you were indeed hurting for the family. you really did wish their father was alright.

that night, you stayed over at their house to keep them company. you walked out of the bedroom as you heard sniffling from the stairwell.

"jo?" you asked, wrapping for fabric-covered arms around her. your beige silk nightgown didn't provide much warmth so you wore a shawl. "is it your father?"

"no, it's my hair," jo wailed, as you hugged her head into your neck.

"i would feel the same way." you comforted. "but, it really doesn't look awfully bad. you're still pretty. don't mind what amy said."

"really?" jo asked hopefully, tears still wet on her face.

"of course." you stroked the tears from her face. your face looked soft in the pale moonlight. jo guessed it was because she was hurting, but she was sure you never looked more beautiful.

"[ y/n ] i..." jo started. she paused. rather than telling you, she would show you. she lifted her head from your neck and crashed her lips to yours softly. her lips were chapped and yours were pillowy soft. as quick as it started, it was over.

"um, jo. you're not thinking straight." you scooted away from her. "i've...um...i've gotta go. i'll come by later to go see the hummels. goodnight." you whispered, grasping your shawl tightly around you. you were confused to say the least, and really didn't know what to do. you slipped on your shoes and left the house, walking across the grass to your own. jo only cried harder in the absence of your presence. she had messed up. scolding herself for her carelessness, she touched her lips, feeling the pressure from your lips still on hers. her feeling the fireworks where you felt empty.

you climbed up the gardening ladder and tumbled into laurie's room.

"choupette? what are you doing here? i thought you were staying with jo," laurie asked, rubbing his sleep from his eyes from the commotion.

"i, um, jo kissed me." you stuttered. hopefully he wouldn't be mad at you. but you knew it was not to be. "teddy i'm so sorry. i didn't know what to do and i didn't tell her to and i didn't want her to, i think, teddy i'm confused i'm not sure what to do."

"get out." laurie uttered. his heart was broken. and at the hands of his best friend? the one person he trusted the most had instead captured his crush's heart.

"what?" you stepped back from his head startled at his response.

"i said," he took a breath. "GET OUT."

"laurie i didn't do anything! she kissed me! please, you have to believe me," you grabbed his shoulder.

he broke his demeanor and whispered, "please leave me alone."

you knew he really didn't want you around then. so you left the room without another word and burst into sobs. three hearts broken that night, a new record.


definitely not edited oh well.
heart broken yet?
if you're not, don't worry.
there's a lot more to come.
xoxo <3

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