𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝗈𝗇𝖾

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"JO," LAURIE REPEATS as he shakes the woman. "wake up, wake up." her eyes open, and he's smiling softly down at her with his hand out. she jumps up quickly, pulling into a hug. "teddy! oh you're back!"

"are you glad to see me, then?" he teases, as he holds her.

"yes," jo whispers, clutching onto him tighter. her heart aches as she hugs the brunette, wondering if he's seen her letter yet.

"i was worried." he smiles into her shoulder.

"here come sit." jo says, patting down the spot on the couch next to her.

"how's [ y/n ]? did she bother you all the way from europe with her preening?" she jokes, making light of the situation. laurie's nervous, careful and trying to avoid revealing anything to her.

"yes, but i like that." he laughs awkwardly. there's a pause, and uncomfortable silence, unspoken words hanging in the air.

"where is she now? did she not come straight to see us? amy's here," jo asks, rubbing her face.

"no, she's down at meg's saying hello." laurie laughs again, still very awkward. "there was no getting my fiancé out of their clutches." laurie winces, notching he's said to much. jo freezes, expression turning grave. the girl she loved once, is marrying the boy who she thought she loved now? it's all so confusing and jo's head keeps spinning.

"what?" she breathes, voice broken.

"i've done it now, it was meant to be a surprise." laurie stands, wincing at his revelation.

"we're engaged, as we are hoping to wait for everyone to be present for the wedding." jo breathes erratically, feeling as though her whole world is falling apart.

"y-you and [ y/n ]?" jo looks around the room wildly, unable to process anything at all.

"yes," laurie whispers then sits next to her again.

"are-are you in love?" she asks, not at all wanting to know the answer. maybe it would give her some closure, but it would truly only bring heartache.

"yes," laurie smiles as he looks down, the singular brunette curl falling over his forehead lightly. jo swallows harshly, becoming pale. she feels sick suddenly and blinks back tears.

"jo, i wanna say one thing and then we'll put it away forever. i've always loved you, but the love i feel for [ y/n ], it's different. and i think, you were right about this, i think we would've killed each other." he whispers, in attempt to let her down slowly. jo nods, trying her best to seem at least outwardly happy for him. "i think it was meant to be this way."

"oh, teddy," jo starts, about to admit everything over her better senses. she wants to tell him about the letter, about how she was wrong back then, but she's cut off.

"you and [ y/n ] are the only ones that ever call me that, jo." he smiles. "teddy," he shakes his head, chuckling softly.

"what else does she call you?" jo doesn't look at him, but instead keeps her gaze pitched down at the floor, staring at it in spite. she wishes it will just swallow her whole, so she won't have to bear the heartbreak any longer.

"my lord." laurie breathes, trying to keep a straight face. it's only a joke, but jo can't help but feel that there's some truth in it.

"well you look deserving of it," she nods, expression softening. it's awkward once again and strained, like they're conversation isn't meant to be just like their relationship.

"can we still be friends jo, please?" laurie croaks and it breaks her. she can't be angry with him, how could she be angry at someone for being in love? mustering all her strength, she smiles.

"of course, my boy," grasping his hand and hitting it roughly. it's not the same as it was five years ago, but it's better. "always."

composing herself, jo follows laurie downstairs. she pauses in the doorway, watching you kiss laurie on the cheek. she can feel her heart ache again, but is determined to put on a brave face.

you turn as you hear her footsteps, moving quickly to embrace the girl. even in all black, you look ethereal, jo decides. "teddy told you?"

"yes, yes! [ n/n ], i'm so happy for you!" you let out a breath you hadn't known you'd been holding and relax into her arms as you hug her. "this, this was meant to be." you look up to the sky, silently thanking god for allowing her not to be mad.

"oh, i'm so relieved thank you!" you step back front the hug and instead grab her hands. "i wanted to write jo, i wanted to write and i wanted to explain everything but everything was happening so fast and really i was worried you would be angry with me," you ramble as jo cuts you off.

"no. life is too short to be angry at one's sister." she says. you're honored she thinks of you as a sister now, but your eyes well with tears as you remember beth.

"i-i really miss her." you try and compose yourself, but you're crying now and jo looks like she's about to as well.

"i know," she embraces you again, breathing heavily. as you whisper a 'thank you', she looks at her mother who smiles sadly at her. jo feels more than heartbreak at that moment. she feels alone. she has no one.

marching quickly to the mailbox, she opens it, relieved to find her letter still inside. she walks along the bridge stopping right in the middle, holding the letter in her hands. before she drops it in, she remembers all the times she had with laurie and you.  the good and the bad. the proposal, the kiss, the wedding, the beach. tearing it finally, she lets the letter go. and her memories with it.


y'all omg literally one
or two more chapters
left in this book.
i love you all
and this has been
the most amazing journey.
p.s. pls check out my timmy book !!
xoxo <333

𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  ❙  theodore laurenceWhere stories live. Discover now