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YOUR BEDROOM DOOR opens but you don't look up, assuming it's your aunt.

"hello, [ y/n ]," you know it's him and you don't even turn to look back.

"i don't want to see you." you say harshly, going back to getting dressed. you're only wearing a chemise but  you don't mind because laurie had seen you in your undergarments before.

"choupette, don't be mad at me. i'm sorry for how i behaved." he whines, following you as you walk over to your closet.

"have you been drinking again?" you sigh.

"why are you being so hard on me? it's four p.m. yes—" you interrupt him, still refusing to look at him. "well someone has to do it." laurie sits in a chair, and watches you sort through your dresses.

"will you sing for me?" he asks.

"no. never." you sigh, still choosing which one to wear.

"never? what—why?" you finally turn, and he sees the look on your face. he can appreciate your looks now, hair down and brushing across your face. cheeks pink in frustration and eyebrows creased with worry.

"i'm not good. rome took all the vanity out of me and paris made me realize i'd never be good, ever. so i've decided to stop trying."

"that's not true. you're very good." he says, trying to reassure you somehow.

"well i cannot starve on praise. i want to be great, or nothing. and i will not be some commonplace dauber, and i don't intend to try anymore." you sigh before continuing and gesturing for him to leave. "now will you please go? i've got to get dressed."

"i've seen you naked before." his voice quiets. your cheeks burn. yes, he had walked into the bathroom once and you had been naked. you were thirteen. you're silent now, searching for something to say.

"well you like drawing, why not do that?" you shrug, not really enthusiastic at all.

"because i'm not good at that either. i'll never be good at anything." you sigh.

"well, now that you've given up, may i ask that your last sketch be of me?" he says, posing in the chair, limbs outstretched.

"all right, i suppose." you laugh, finally picking out the dress for your lunch.

"what are you going to do with your life now that you've deserted practically everything?" he asks quizzically.

"polish up all my other talents and become an ornament to society?" you say, bringing out the dress and holding it against you. "this one?" he nods.

"it's very pretty." he gives you that look again, the one where he looks directly into your eyes so you're forced to yield and turn back around. he continues speaking, slouching lazily in his chair.

"mm, that's where oliver chadwick comes in, i suppose."

"don't make fun!" you gasp, hitting him in the chest with your handkerchief.

"i said his name." he laughs. "you're marrying him, aren't you."

"most likely, yes. i don't have a reason to not." you say, looking past him. you can tell laurie wants to say something, but he holds his tongue, glancing back at the floor.

"he's rich! richer than you and i. why should i be ashamed of him?" you ask, prodding him even more.

"nothing to be ashamed of, as long as you love him."

"well, i believe we have some power over who we love. i try not to believe that it's something that just happens to someone."

"i think the poets, might disagree." he says.

"well i'm not a poet. i'm just a woman." you sigh, looking down at the floor. "now if you're not going to leave, will you at least help me?" you huff. holding the corset up to your chest, you turn so he can tie the laces. he's close enough now that you can hear and feel him breathe and you will yourself not to let your emotions get the best of you.

nimble fingers graze your back, your frame shaking at his touch, as they travel down to the tie the knot. he begins tying the knot, carefully and slowly, as if to tease you.

"hurry up," you speak through gritted teeth.
"oliver will be waiting for me."

"sorry, choupette," he says lowly. your gut flutters at his tone.

when he is done, you turn to face him. eyes locked and breaths shallow, you are now mere inches apart. his nose is on your cheek and if you turn just enough, your lips will meet his.

your labored breaths will not cease. he stares at you, with an intense look in his eyes. the look more intense than he had given jo ever before.

and just as he begins moving his head to the left, you turn your head slightly away.

"laurie, stop." your voice is shaking and your cheeks are incredibly rosy. "please." you know you won't be able to do anything if he moves his head to catch his lips with yours. you aren't sure if you would want to do anything. and just as he does, you pano, suddenly remembering your fiancé.

stepping back quickly, you clear your throat.

"you've, um, you've got to go." you say, as you push him out of the door. you rest your head against the cool wood and sigh. just when you're beginning to get over him, he just has to waltz back into your life.


holy shit is it hot in here or is it just me ??
i warned y'all lmfao
how'd you guys like the new update tho ??

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