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"teddy, where are you off to?" you asked, after he got up from the breakfast table rather abruptly.

"um, ice skating with jo?" he said, but it sounded like more of a question.

"can i come? you said i could come last time," you asked timidly. all the things that you used to do with laurie were now done with jo. of course, you shouldn't mind. he was just spending time with the girl he was in love with. you wouldn't stand in the way of them, you couldn't.

"really, [ y/n ]? i'm sorry, i know i promised you, but i really want to spend some alone time with jo today."  you scoffed and rolled your eyes at that.

"haven't you been spending enough time with jo already? last night, we went to a play all together. that was the first time in ages i've been allowed to go somewhere with you and jo! and i'm not saying you shouldn't spend with her, but lately i've felt that i'm being  replaced by her." you snapped. you finally broke, and you felt awful when you saw his face fall.

"look, choupette," he started.

"don't call me that." you were angry beyond belief.

"really? it's not that serious. look, you're my best friend. i'm not replacing you or anything. you couldn't ever be replaced, [ y/n ]."

"teddy, you say that, but you hardly will let me do anything with you and jo anymore."

"well maybe i do like her better than you! and why are you being so annoying about it. are you jealous or something?" your eyes widened and you didn't immediately answer. were you jealous? all he was saying was true, you were his best friend and he wasn't replacing you with her, he just simply liked her. but lately you couldn't stop thinking about the way his eyes shined or his endearing smile or those times that made your heart flutter when he just looked at you. so in truth, you were jealous but you were too afraid to admit.

"of course not! i just miss you, is all. and we don't do the things we used to anymore." you said meagerly. you wanted to curl up in a ball and die.

"we don't do those things because we're grown up. maybe you should grow up too. i'm leaving." laurie said, as he harshly pushed his chair in at the table and left the room.

you were stunned. he had never talked to you like that before. and previously, you didn't believe he ever would. but, all good things do come to an end.

you got up as well, and left the room and marched upstairs, laurie had already left the house with his coat and skates.

was he really tired of you? you were his best friend for years! he couldn't give up now. you had been through so much together and it was all throw away because of a stupid argument about ice skating? beyond curious, you threw open your door and started rummaging through your desk drawers. you took out many papers and began sorting through them to find exactly what you were looking for.

after searching for about ten minutes, you noticed the slight crinkled yellowish paper that had been discarded for days. you searched for ink and paper and began writing a letter of which you would regret sending for a very long time.

dear aunt alice, i'm delighted to have received your letter. expect me soon...

𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  ❙  theodore laurenceWhere stories live. Discover now