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"LAURIE!" YOU GASPED, "oh how i've missed you!" you flung yourself into his arms and he grasped your waist and lifted you. you saw jo in the corner of your eye and whispered in laurie's ear as he let you down. "play along," laurie nodded against your face and you kissed him on the cheek.

"tu m'as tellement manqué, mon amour," he said, "c'mon, we're going to the beach." you turned to look at jo and instead of her glaring daggers at you, she instead did at...laurie?

it was a perfect spring day, you walked along the beach in your light blue dress, your hair out, tied back with a similar blue ribbon, head adorned with a beige hat. laurie was introducing the others to fred vaughn, and his sister kate, who was your dear friend. fred was handsome, blonde, and proper but you didn't like him much. you just guessed he was your type. kate was prim, but sweet once you got to know her.

"this is fred vaughn, and his sister kate. of course you know mr. brooke." laurie introduced, tugging in his red suspenders. you stood alongside him and smiled.

"this is meg, amy, beth, and jo," they all smiled, and jo tipped her head in a nod. "and [ y/n ], but you already know her." you walked forward to embrace kate in a hug, the moved to fred to do the same.

"so pleased to meet you," fred said, once you had stepped back from him.

"oh, how elegant." amy was the first to come forward and shake fred's hand.

"i'm amy march, you remember that name. i'm gonna come find you one day in london." amy continuously shook his hand. you laughed at her antics.

"oh i certainly will," fred said, charmed with the younger girl.

you walked with laurie on the shore, as meg flew the kite and fred and amy played badminton.

"i think it'll work," you started, as you walked into the wet sand. "she's got to be jealous."

"well she's got to be. i'm pretending that i'm in love with a beautiful girl." he said devilishly. oh how you wished it was real. you desired for him to actually care for you, but you knew he was in love with jo. although his sentence struck a cord in your heart, you couldn't help but smile at the thought of him calling you beautiful.

"laurie, stop it," you blushed, turning back to face the horizon.

"it's true, you know. you are beautiful," his voice became softer.

"if you say so," you mumbled, not wanting to look at his face and become a nervous wreck. keep your emotions in check.

𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  ❙  theodore laurenceWhere stories live. Discover now