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determined to help laurie, you thought for a few hours on how you were going to go about this.  after hanging out with the marchs a few times, and observing jo's mannerisms, you finally formulated a plan, so you found laurie and told it to him. he was sitting in the study and you lectured him while he read king arthur.

"ok, so it seems the best way to win jo over is to impress her. but, be yourself. she isn't one who likes formalities and silly things like that. in fact, we are alike in more ways than none." you sighed. "never mind that. anyways, i'll teach you a few things, and we'll go from there. if that doesn't work then plan b will to make her jealous in some way. i haven't thought on that much, but i'll figure it out soon enough."

"first, you'll have to quit billiards." you told him firmly.

"what?!" he whipped his head around to you.

"you do want to impress her, don't you?" you raised an eyebrow at him.

"fine." he sighed with great despondence.

"good. now, you'll have to become less formal around her, and less uptight. let's practice." you sat down across from him on the couch. you tried to act like jo as best you could, slouching vertically on the couch and letting your hair loose from its updo.

"pretend i'm jo, and we're talking about...pirate ships," you said, it being the first thing to come to mind.

"ok, well..." laurie didn't know where to start. honestly, he was very nervous.

"you're no use," you grinned. "i'll start then." clearing your throat, you grabbed a lock of hair and began twirling it between your fingertips.

"why, should we run off and join a pirate ship?" you joked. he looked at you, trying to think of something to say.

"and go where? to timbuktu?" he laughed. he actually felt more comfortable imagining you as you, but he tried his best to imagine you as the red haired beauty.

"we could. or we could loot other pirates ships and steal all their gold," you smiled. as the conversation went on, you could feel him getting more and more comfortable in speaking with you, or rather jo.

"see, you did great!" you said, pleased. "you were yourself." laurie was proud, to say the least.

"second lesson, take her places, do the things she likes," you added.

"well, what does she like?" he asked.

"mmm," you mused. "maybe the play. yes! take her to the theater! i'll come to make sure everything goes well."

"ok..." laurie trailed off.

"come on," you nudged his shoulder, noticing his discomfort, "you'll be fine. just relax. she's like your bestfriend, other than me of course,"

"fine, i'll ask her next week. you're sure you'll accompany me?"

"of course! and i'll invite meg too, i think she fancies mr. brooke," you whispered the last part.

"mr. brooke?!" laurie exclaimed.

"shh! quiet down! i whispered for a reason," you whisper-yelled through gritted teeth.

"alright, alright." laurie rolled his dazzling eyes.  for some reason, your eyes couldn't leave his perfect face.

"choupette, your staring," laurie said, after a while.

"oh? was i?" you snapped out of your trance. face heating up, you touched your cold hands to your cheeks.

"are you ok? you look a little warm." laurie asked in concern.

"fine, i think i'll just retire for a bit." you said, standing up. what had gotten into you?

𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  ❙  theodore laurenceWhere stories live. Discover now