Part 10

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Lili's POV:

C-"Next question: Headaches are strong and frequent?"



L-"Last one, Did your husband also put on some baby weight?"

L-"Yeah he did"


L-"Well, it's for the test love."

C-"Well, I'm not your husband and... yeah I did but it cause you-"

L-"Point for the GIRLS!"

C-"Uhh. Let's count up the points then."

L-"9 for the boys and... 11 for the girls."

C-"We're having a girl. We are having a baby girl."

L-"Relax cole these are usually not right but I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a girl anyways."

We were laying on the bed, checking our social media.

C-"Lils, when are we going home?"

L-"Oh. I mean we have the premiere in LA in 8 days, I still have to grab some things in Vancouver but I was thinking that we could stay a bit longer here, I miss my family a lot. "

C-"Yeah, Ill book us some flights tomorrow. Oh... and Ella we have to get a babysitter?"

L-"Actually my aunt is going to LA to spend the weekend can drop her off at our hotel. Thing is, I have my appointment on Thursday, in Vancouver."

C-"Well, you can book one in LA, I wanted to see Dylan and he is gonna be there the first week of February."

L-"That is gonna be some long weeks in a hotel room."

C-"Yeah, ill talk to the cast and see if we can all stay in the same hotel"

L-"Yeah it's cool to have them all close by. "

C-"Oh, I almost forgot, we need to have our fittings in the hotel. I already chose my tie, and I'm gonna use a regular suit but-"

L-"Ill buy my own dress, it will end up saving some time, besides, it's not like we are going to the met or anything. "

C-"Maybe one day."

I chuckled

L-"I wish"

C-"Well, what do you want to do tomorrow then, if we are staying here?"

L-" Visit my mom and my sisters"

C-"Okay then. I'll book us a flight to Vancouver on the 21st and to LA on the 23rd. "

L-"Okay, do you want me to book a hotel?"

C-"NO!... I mean, I already had one picked out and I don't want you to worry about it."


We were on the couch, watching Friends for the millionth time. Cole always skipped the episodes he was in and truthfully, I understand. He doesn't like the memories that come attached to it. But today I had a different plan.

L-"Cole I'm gonna put on a friend's episode. One of the ones you appear."

C-"Lil. You know that I don't like it."

L-"Yeah but I want Ella to watch it with us, it's gonna be fun."


Cole's POV:

I was nervous, very nervous. I didn't want to watch it.


L-"Cole I don't care, we are gonna watch it"

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