Chapter 5

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Sophie adjusted her pink dress one more time. It was a pink embroidered dress that stopped just above her knees. You could see the small baby bump that had started to show a month ago. Normally she would hate having to wear pink, but Keefe had told her that he could wear blue, and whoever wore the correct color got one unlimited dare. She looked in the mirror one last time before heading down the winding castle stairs to meet her husband.

Keefe had on a blue embroidered jerkin. He had been hailing Elwin almost everyday to set up the surprise for the gender reveal. It was going to be in the pastures of Havenfield starting at four and ending later in the night. Edaline had outdone herself baking all week long.

When he took Sophie's arm, she blushed, even though they'd been married for two years today. She didn't think she'd ever stop blushing.

"Happy anniversary," she said, and kissed him. It isn't a long kiss, but it's long enough to taste the mallowmelt lingering in his mouth. "Keefe! You were supposed to save the mallowmelt for the party!" Sophie said, wagging her finger at him.

"Foster don't get mad! I couldn't resist!" He said, faking a guilty face.

"At least tell me you got me some." He points to the kitchen.

"Good." she says as she pulls him into the light.


As they arrived, they saw pink and blue everywhere. The pastures were covered in streamers, balloons, and what seemed like thousands of Edaline's baked goods. Pieces of blue and pink glitter seem to float through the air.

"Wow. I'm betting Biana has been here." Said Keefe with his signature smirk.

"You really want to bet?" asked a voice. As they turned around, they saw Ro. "Hey Lord Hunkyhair! Happy baby day, or whatever it is." Sophie laughed. Ro was still around every once in a while, and she and Keefe had never stopped their games.

"Ro, wanna bet on the gender? I say boy!" Keefe pointed to his jerkin.

"Oh, you're on! If I win you have to start calling me Auntie Ro so that your kid will do it." Ro said with an evil glare. Sophie couldn't picture 'Aunty Ro'.

"But if I win, you have to die your pigtails blue!" Keefe said without skipping a beat.

"You're on!"

"You realize that if you lose the bet with Ro, you also lose the bet with me, right?" Sophie asked, elbowing him with a smile.

"Wait, really?" Ro says, her face lighting up. "Blondie, if that baby isn't a girl, I will personally murder you." Ro grinned.

"SOPHIEEEEE!" Biana squealed. "I can't believe you're having a baby! If it's a girl, I can dress her up, and we can go on spa days, and all the other things you won't let me do with you! I could probably do that with a boy too, but then he'd hate me for life." Sophie laughed. She could imagine how much fun Biana would have with a girl, and while she loved Biana, she hoped for the babies sake it was a boy.

"Biana, did you help Edaline decorate? Something here feels inherently you." Sophie had to ask. Biana grinned.

"Of course I did! You really think I wouldn't help at my best friends weird baby party??!!" Biana laughed. "And the glitter is what feels like me by the way. It's my trademark!"

Keefe smirked. "Told you Foster!" Sophie laughed and playfully elbowed him. It was hard to remember a time when she hadn't loved him like she did now.

"Sophie!" Sophie turned around to see Dex and the triplets. They had barely changed since they were kids, except for getting taller.

"I think you meant to also say Keefe, right Diznee?" Keefe said. "Because, obviously I'm the most important person here."

"Um, I'm the one having the baby, Keefe!" Sophie reminded him, pointing to her stomach. Keefe just grumbled and whispered something to Dex about a pranking elixir he needed. Dex nodded.

"Where are Tam and Linh?" asked Biana.

"Right here!" Linh and Tam had walked up behind Biana. "Tammy took some convincing to drag him over. Is Wylie here?" Linh and Wylie had been dating for about a year now.

"I think I saw him with his dad." Dex answered. Prentice had gotten so much better recently, and was now a full functioning member of society. He was even doing assignments for the black swan.

"There are so many people here! Do we even know everyone?" Sophie asked her husband.

"Well, it's all of our friends, a bunch of people from Foxfire, Black Swan members, a few councilors, Grady and Edaline's friends, and a bunch of other people." Keefe listed. Sophie was amazed she knew that many people,but when she looked around, everyone did look familiar.

Then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a black cloak with a hood. The Neverseen! Sophie couldn't breathe. Everything was fuzzy, and she couldn't push back the nightmares. Times the Neverseen had hurt her, her friends, and Keefe.

Suddenly, a cool blue breeze swept through her mind, letting her breathe again. Her heartbeat slowed, and things came back into focus. A beautiful pair of ice blue eyes stared at her in concern.

"Keefe," She said, and melted into his arms.

"What happened Sophie? One second you were fine, and then you freaked out and collapsed.

"It was the Neverseen. They were here! I saw them" Sophie looked back to where the person had been standing, but now their hood was pushed back, and she saw that it was just a normal person, someone from Foxfire. There were just wearing a black cape. She buried her head in Keefe and sobbed. When would she ever feel safe again?

"Sophie, it's okay. You're safe now." Keefe said, as if he'd read her mind. "The Neverseen are gone. They can never hurt you again." She looked up at her amazing husband and kissed him.

"Thank you." She stood up, facing her friends. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you guys." She blushed.

"Sophie, you know we all deal with the same things. It's okay." Biana said. All of Sophie's friends still struggled with some of the same things. Biana would go invisible and barely be able to come out of it when she got too scared. Linh had become almost overprotective of Tam after what had happened with the Neverseen. All of them had battles to face. Sophie still got nightmares, but Keefe had started holding her hand all night to keep her emotions in check. It was even better than Silveny. 

The Neverseen had left their mark, but Sophie was proud to say that they hadn't broken them. Even on the hardest days, they had each other to help. 

"Hey guys!" Fitz called. He and Sophie had been more distant after they broke up, but still hung  out occasionally. When she and Keefe first got together, he had been upset, and said a few things, but eventually accepted it. 

"Hi Fitz!" Sophie said. The color had finally returned to her face.  

"Grady and Edaline wanted you to come over to the cliffs guys." They followed him over, Sophie's hand in Keefe's. 

"Is this the reveal?" Sophie asked Keefe. 

"Maybeeeeee" Keefe said with his signature smirk. He lead her towards the cliffs were there was a Pen keeping Winh and Luna contained. Luna wore a pink ribbon around her neck, and Winh's was ice blue. Keefe called them over, and whispered in Sophie's ear. 

"Pull Luna's ribbon off on three." Everyone started counting.

"One, two, THREE!!!" As Sophie pulled the ribbon, Keefe pulled Winh's and fireworks lit up the sky. At first they were silver, but they cracked, and turned into bursts of pink. Keefe and Sophie kissed, and she could hear her friends screaming in the background. 

"It's a girl!!!!"

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