Chapter 12

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This will be another short but sweet one. Thank you so much for reading!

I'm going to do this a little differently. There is going to be a date and then a few paragraphs for that date. I'm not going to do it for the rest of the story, but it seemed fitting for this chapter.

January 14th, 2020 (I have no idea what year it is in the kotlc world, because Sophie doesn't age a year every book)

2:30 p.m.

Sophie's hand moved subconsciously to her middle yet again. She had to keep reminding herself not to do it, but it kept going back. Why? Sophie had done it a lot when she was pregnant with May but had stopped afterwards. Why was she doing it now? She shrugged it off. It was probably because she had been worried about May. She had been extra cranky lately.

January 21st, 2020

8:17 a.m.

"Keefe, I think May is teething!" Sophie called down the hall.

"Again! The last time she got new teeth, she was up all night crying!" Keefe whined.

"I was the one who got up to deal with it every time though!" Sophie pointed out.

"Yeah, and then I only had Mrs. Stinkbottom for company because you slept in her room!" Keefe said. Sophie laughed, but soon the feeling was replaced by another.

"Keefe I think I..." Sophie said just before running to the bathroom. She threw up for the next hour while Keefe held her hair back.

January 27th, 2020

9:01 a.m.

Sophie stumbled down the stairs to the living room after another round of throw up. This was the 6th time. She found Linh sitting with May.

"Keefe had me watch her while you were sick." She said. "Why don't we go up to your room?" Sophie let Linh lead her up the stairs and pick out a new tunic for her. It was very sparkly. Sophie sighed, but changed in her bathroom while Linh waited on her bed.

"I have really good news!" Linh said when Sophie stepped out. "Wylie proposed!" Sophie and Linh squealed together.

"That's amazing!" Sophie said. She smiled and her hand went to her stomach again. She took it off.

"Sophie, are you okay?" Linh asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Sophie said.

"Wait... are you pregnant again?" Linh asked. Sophie stepped back. Was she? No. It was crazy.

"What? No!" It couldn't be possible. "At least, I don't think so."

"Might be worth looking into. Maybe an Elwin visit?" Linh suggested.

"No! I'm fine!" The last thing Sophie needed was another trip to Elwin. She already set the record for most healing center visits. "I'm sure it's nothing!" Sophie said. But what if it was a baby? Sophie smiled at the thought. Another little baby. But Sophie couldn't get her hopes up.


January 30th, 2020

11:42 p.m.

"Elwin?" Sophie called, almost hoping he wasn't there. After over a week of morning sickness, she was at the end of her sanity. She was visiting Elwin. Not to check for a baby, but for some kind of remedy for her sickness. As much as she would love another baby, it wasn't happening.

"Sophie? What are you doing here so late?" Elwin asked, popping his head out of his office. Of course, he was there.

"I've been kind of sick, do you have any elixirs that will help?" She had already checked Slurps and Burps, but nothing had worked. Within a minute, Elwin had her on a cot and was snapping his fingers to inspect her with beams of light.

"Sophie..." He said after a few minutes.


"You're pregnant!"

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