A/N (and other important info!)

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Hi! So, first of all, I just want to say thank you for reading!!!! It really means a lot that people are actually looking at what I write! Please feel free to leave feedback and constructive criticism. 

Okay, I also just wanted to explain a few things. I will kind of be posting randomly, so if I go a while without posting, I'm not dead, just out of ideas or busy. I might also post a bunch of stuff in one day if I have a lot of inspiration. I'm probably going to do a few A/N scattered throughout the story, and you can totally skip them. I'll tell you if they actually have something important for the story in them, like in this one. I'm going to just list a few details about who's together in this, because I don't want you guys confused. 

SophiexKeefe (duh)

BianaxDex (married)

LinhxWylie (dating)

FitzxMarrela (dating)

These are also going to change as people get married/break up. I don't think I'm going to have any breakups in this, but you never know!

Okay, thanks!

Also, please tell me if this is any good and I should keep writing!!! I don't want to keep doing it if it's super bad.

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