Chapter 21

2.3K 18 41

May: 3

Caily: 9-ish months

"Hey Foster?" Keefe called to Sophie through the bathroom door. Sophie was getting changed for work, she had two prodigies to mentor today.


"Um, I have a little problem."

"What now?"

"You know that portrait I have to do today?"

"Yes. Keefe, stop stalling. What about the portrait?

"The client called and said they have to reschedule for today instead of Saturday." Keefe's job as an artist was great with the girls, because it meant he could work mostly from home and watch the girls.

"What? I have Foxfire today! Did you tell her no?"

"Um, she kind of didn't let me. She just called, told me to come over today, and hung up."

"Who will watch the girls then?"

"I was thinking maybe we could send them to Biana?" Sophie thought for a minute.

"No, she has her boutique open today. I'm pretty sure Linh, Tam, and Wylie have a black swan thing today too. Fitz is also mentoring, and Dex had his gadget shop." Keefe and Sophie groaned together. "I can't take them to Forfire with me! They'll interrupt my students!"

"I'm sorry, it just seems like there's no other option." Keefe said as Sophie stepped out of the bathroom wearing a white, flowy tunic.

"It's okay. I'll just have to find a way to distract them." She kissed Keefe quickly before grabbing her bag and walking out of the room. "Bye Keefe!"

"Bye Foster!" Sophie walked down the stairs and lept to Foxfire with Caily and May in tow.

"Bib big big!" Said Caily when she saw the glass pyramids. Sophie smiled.

"Yes, this is where Mommy works. You two have to be good when I' with a prodigy," May nodded like she understood perfectly.

After walking through the green level four halls, she came to the door with her name on it.

Lady Sophie


Room 432

"Ready to see my room?" Sophie asked. May nodded eagerly and Caily made an excited squeal. Sophie opened the door to find Coretta, her first prodigy, already sitting down.

"Am I that late? Sorry! My husband couldn't watch the girls today so I had to bring them." Sophie apologized.

"It's okay, Lady Sophie. They're really cute!" Coretta said. She was a fourteen year old with very curly dark hair and skin. She had bright blue eyes that made her stand out. Even though Sophie had assured her many times that she could just call her Sophie, Coretta insisted on Lady Sophie.

"I was actually thinking we could use them in today's lesson." Sophie said, grinning.

"Really? How?"

"Have you ever read a small child's mind?" Coretta's eyes brightened with excitement.

"No! Only you and my parents after they gave me permission."

"Exactly. Most people use telepathy without really thinking outside of the box. It's used practically by keepers or probes, and used basically on adults. I was thinking you might like to see inside a child's mind." Coretta nodded excitedly.

"That would be awesome." Sophie gestured for her to go ahead. "Do I have permission to enter your mind, May?"

"Ok!" May said happily as she sipped from her juice box.

"I'll go in too." Sophie said.Coretta closed her eyes, reached for May's temples and gasped. When Sophie entered her daughter's mind, she saw why. It was a world of color and sound. Everything was bright and abstract, like a child's drawing. Fleeting sentences and words shot through the space, most unfinished.

Juice is so yummy

Gasping, gasping, gasping

I want to say hi to daddy

Where did I leave...

Oooh! It's a stuffed animal!

I want Leela


Caily is staring at...

As Sophie looked around, she reached out to Coretta.

Crazy, right? She asked.

Yeah! Everything's so... bright! Coretta responded.

Let's come out and talk. Sophie pulled herself out of May's mind.

"That was so cool!" Coretta said. "It was like... like nothing I've ever seen!"

"This is your homework for this week. I want you to try to broaden your horizons in telepathy. See if you can transmit to animals, or something out of the box. Come back here on Tuesday with at least three different ways you used telepathy."

"Okay! Thank you Lady Sophie!" Coretta skipped out of the room and Sophie smiled.

"Thanks for helping us, May." Sophie said to her daughter.

"Can I have more juice?"

Thanks for reading!

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