Chapter 23

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Same ages as the chapter before

"Keefe, the gang is coming over! You better have showered yourself and the girls."

"Uh, I showered, but you should probably come downstairs." Sophie walked down the stairs to see May and Caily stripped of everything but their underwear, running around the living room. "I tried to get them in the bath, but they didn't really want to." Sophie groaned.

"I'll take May, you take Caily. Just give me a minute to tell everyone to come over late." After an hour of chasing the giggling toddlers across the house, they had finally caught them and plunked them in the giant bathtub.

They scrubbed the girls until most of the paint was gone, and then Sophie ran to their rooms to get fresh clothes for them. As she picked May up and started to pull the bright blue dress over her head, May made a break for it. Keefe and Sophie were veterans, however, and Keefe had already positioned himself at the door. He grabbed May and spun her around a few times before giving her back to Sophie.

"Daddy!" May whined.

"Sorry Princess, but you have to get dressed. Calista, Aldric, and Rosaline are coming over!" He explained.

"My friends!" May said happily and pulled the dress the rest of the way over her head.

Sophie let May go after putting her in little white ballet flats, then picked Caily up and put her in a white dress with yellow flowers and matching shoes. She let Caily follow her sister to wait for the triplets.

"They're so sweet." Sophie said.

"If sweet meant trouble makers, I'd agree."

"Oh come on, we both know where they got their mischievous nature from!"

"You're right. It was you."

"What do you mean?"

"Who almost burned down Foxfire multiple times? Who almost burned down Excellium? Who has had multiple tribunals? Who has broken the council's rules more times than I can count?" Sophie just rolled her eyes.

"Point taken. I guess we're a disastrous combination."

"I wouldn't say we're so bad together," Keefe smirked. Shrieks came from downstairs.

"That must mean they're here!" Sophie said and pulled Keefe downstairs. They found Biana, dex, and the triplets waiting outside.

"Come on in! You guys know you don't have to wait outside, just walk in."

"After the state I found you guys in last time, I figured knocking would be safer," Biana laughed. "Linh and Wylie are on their way, they just wanted to pick up ultrasound pictures to show everyone."

"Great! Fitz said he'll be here in a few minutes, he's going to try to convince Marella to take a break." Sophie said. "I told him good luck"

"He's going to need it." Dex said. "I can't remember the last time I saw Marella out of her office."

Okay, so I really want to do something from May's perspective.

"Let's go to the playroom!" May said, pulling Calista, Aldric, and Rosaline to the room Sophie and Keefe had set up for her and her sister. Caily toddled behind. May loved getting to play with her friends, and she couldn't wait to show them her newest toy. It was beautiful. A wooden tower inside the playground. It was about as tall as Daddy, and had two floors. Eda and Pop-pop got it for her. She loved them, especially because Eda would always give her sugar. That was always the way to her heart.

"Woah!" Calista exclaimed.

"Play princess! Play princess!" Caily demanded. She toddled up the stairs of the tower to let her short red hair hang out like Rapunzel. "ALDRIC!" She yelled, "Be the prince!" Aldric walked over hesitantly, not sure if he wanted to take part in another princess game with the girls.

"RARRRRR!" May yelled, throwing a red blanket over her arms. "I'm the dragon! You will not rescue her!!!" She loved being the dragon in these games.

"Ahhhhhh!" Aldric said and ran away. Rosaline went to track him down and drag him back, while Calista snuck into the castle and grabbed Caily.

"Go get her!" Calista whispered. Caily grinned and ran at May. May roared and flapped her 'wings' but she was helpless against the mighty Caily. Caily grabbed a jump rope and tied it around May's waist.

"Come doggy!" Caily commanded. May giggled. She loved her little sister. Caily was really fun to play with.

"Ruf!" May said, getting on all fours. When Aldric came over to finally save the princess, she found Caily out of the tower playing with the dragon. Aldric shrugged and ran back to his mom.

Okay, this was super short, but I didn't have a lot of inspiration today. Sorry!

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