Chapter 8

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After Biana had finished on Sophie, she brought out another red dress for May, and Sophie had to stop her before she covered her daughter in makeup. She had to admit that May looked absolutely adorable though.

"So, how have you and Dex been?" Sophie asked when Biana finally let her sit down.

"We're good! Dex is still working on the gadget store, getting it ready for the grand opening."

"What about you?" Biana had been around less, and Sophie hadn't been able to catch up with her recently.

"Well... I'm fine. I've been a bit sick and tired, but other than that I'm fine." Biana blushed and looked down.

"What are you not telling me?" Sophie asked. Biana was always so talkative and perky. This wasn't normal.

"Nothing!" Biana said a little too quickly. Sophie raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, fine! You got me. I have a secret. We were going to tell everyone at dinner tonight, but we have super big news!" Biana smiled and put a hand on her stomach. Sophie's eyes nearly popped out of her head.

"You're having a baby!!!!!!!!!???????" Sophie exclaimed.

"Triplets!!! They seem to run in Dex's family." Biana grinned.

"You're okay with that, right? I know you guys don't care about elf prejudices, but you're already a bad match since Dex didn't register. You guys are going to face a lot of scorn." Sophie had been so amazed by Biana when she had chosen to marry Dex even though they were a bad match. She had been the first Vacker to do so. Biana seemed like a pretty perfect princess sometimes, but she had to remind herself that Biana was so brave.

"Sophie, I've never been happier! This means we'll have three little babies!!! There's such a high chance at least one will be a girl!" Biana grinned.

"That's wonderful! Now you can stop drowning my baby in lace!" As if on cue, May woke up and started crying. "Shhh. It's okay, May."

"Daddy?" May loved her parents, but Keefe was the one who was best at calming May down.

"He's right downstairs. I'll take you to him." Biana grabbed her things and followed Sophie down the stairs.

"It's my girls!" Keefe said, his face lighting up. "Oh, and Biana." Sophie rolled her eyes and handed May to Keefe. May immediately snuggled into her daddy.


"So, I take it that I should probably wear a red tie or something?" Keefe asked after seeing the girls.

"Probably. Or you could wear a neon green one and stick out like a sore thumb!" Sophie said with a laugh.

"See, but now you've given me the idea..." Sophie herded him into his room and grabbed a red tie before he could go any further with that idea.

"Bye Biana! See you later!" Sophie called. She was so excited for the party now. She couldn't wait to see everyone's reactions to the big news.

"Sophie, you really look gorgeous." Sophie blushed.

"Well, Biana can work miracles with a dress and some make-up." Keefe shook his head and pulled her closer.

"No, you always look gorgeous. Even when you're covered in alicorn poop." Sophie rolled her eyes.

"Get a room!" May yelled, breaking the moment.

"Did you teach her to say that?" Sophie frowned at her husband.

"Well, I just" Sophie took May from him, straightened his tie, which he immediately un-straightened, and pulling him down the stairs.

"Time to go!"

Hi! Thanks for reading! Also, I was looking today, and there is no Sophie/Keefe family portrait. I really thought that some fan would've made one!? If you guys are an artist, or know one, that's totally something you should draw! I still can't get over that there aren't any. I feel like it's something that really should exist!

Also, yes, I know, this is another short chapter, but I feel like that's just how this is going to roll. Sorry!

Also also... I have 182 reads! AAAAA! That's insane! Thank you!

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