Chapter 24

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This is the Disney chapter!!!!! There's going to be multiple, because, you know, it's Disney. I went to Disney World once when I was 8, so don't expect me to get any of these details right. I also didn't stay in a resort, so I had to look up a lot of stuff.


May: 5

Caily: 3

Rosaline, Aldric, and Calista: 3

Addilyn (Linh and Wylie's baby): 2

Marella and Fitz finally got married, and now Marella is very pregnant with a boy.

Sophie is also pregnant with a girl.

Let's just say that elves can go on rollercoasters and stuff even when they're pregnant.

Tam and Glimmer didn't want to come.

"Are we all packed?" Sophie called down the hall to Keefe.

"I think so... I just hope we don't forget anything."

"Then let's go! We have reservations in the Wilderness Lodge in a few minutes!" Sophie grabbed all of their stuff, barely able to reach the light leaping crystal Mr. Forkle had lent her. She had wanted to take her kids to Disney for a long time now, but she wanted them to be old enough to be able to do stuff.

"May, Caily! Time to go!" Keefe called. If Sophie had an extra hand, she would have smacked her forehead. She had almost forgotten to bring the girls. As soon as they got over, Sophie looked them over to make sure they had everything. The girls had grown up so much. May was a beautiful five year old with her curly brown hair and bright blue eyes. Caily had a galaxy of freckles, and her wavy red hair had come down just barely past her shoulders. Sophie and Keefe had often wondered how two blonds with blond parents had a redhead and a brunette.

"Dizznee, dizznee, dizznee!!!!" Caily said as she bounced up and down. "We're going to the triplets world!"

"No, it just sounds similar, silly!" Keefe said, ruffling her hair. "Now let's go!" They stepped into the ray of light arriving in a slightly full parking lot.

"Quick! Get to the sidewalk girls!" Sophie said. The girls quickly walked over to the curb and Sophie was able to relax. The girls weren't used to cars, so Sophie was worried they'd get run over.

"Mommy? Is this our house?" May asked, looking at the large resort.

"Well, kind of. We'll be staying in a few of the rooms here." Dex had helped them convert their lusters into dollars, so that each family had about a million dollars to spend on the trip. They had gotten a room for each of the couples, and a suite for the kids. The suite was connected to Sophie and Keefe's room, so they could keep the door open and watch the kids.

Keefe grabbed his imparter. "I'll hail Dex and Wylie, you hail Marella, okay?"

"Sure." Sophie agreed and grabbed her imparted. "Show me Marella." Soon Marella's face popped onto the screen.

"Hi Sophie! We're here, in our rooms already. Where are you guys?"

"We just got here and are checking in. How's the baby?"

"Good! I'm so excited!" Marella was 8 and a half months pregnant, ready to pop at any minute. Her hormones were out of control. Half the time she was basically Linh, everything was cupcakes and rainbows, but if you bumped into her or something, she would act like you tried to stab her. Everyone got a kick out of watching that. People usually apologized profusely once they saw her baby bump.

"Awesome! We'll go check in now." Sophie hung up and turned to Keefe. "Did you check in with the Dizznees and Endals?"

"Yep. They're already here in their rooms."

"Perfect, the Vackers are here too." Sophie went to check in at the front desk and then led the girls and Keefe to their rooms. They had basically booked out the whole hallways between all of the families. Sophie opened the door to their room and laid down on the bed. It was very early morning, because they wanted to see as much of the park as possible. They just had to decide which to see first.

Sophie almost grabbed her imparter to call the gang, but instead got an idea. She reached out in her mind and transmitted Meet me in the shared suite. She saw Keefe jerk from across the room as he was unpacking and then turned glared at her.

"I'm right here!" Sophie laughed.

"I know, but I was transmitting to everyone. Come on, let's go." She opened the connected foor to the room, and saw Dex and Biana already sitting there. They had the room on the other side of the suite. A few minutes later, the rest of the gang and their kids came in.

"This is going to be awesome!" Linh squealed. "Where do we go first?"

"That's what I wanted to talk about. Do you guys have a preference?"

"Princess!!!" May yelled. "I want to see the princess!"

"Actually, I was thinking we should do Magic Kingdom at the end of the trip. That's what my human family did when we came here." Sophie said.

"Let's do this one first!" Dex said, pointing to a map of Hollywood Studios.

"You just want to do the Star Wars ride." Biana pointed out.

"Yeah, so?" We all laughed.

"Hollywood Studios it is!" Keefe declared.

I know it's short, I was going to make it longer, but I feel bad about not posting in forever, so I wanted to get this out sooner. 

I also have kind of sad news... I'm putting this story on hold. I promise I'll come back to it, but I am trying to put focus on my other story, Finally Satisfied. I always hate it when authors do this, so I feel really bad, but I'd rather do this than have my story just die.  Oh, and if you're reading in the future, I guess you didn't need to read this. Hi future person! 

Anyways, thank you so much for reading, and I promise to get back to this when I finish Finally Satisfied!!!

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