Chapter 16

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Sophie sat in bed, waiting for Keefe to wake up. She didn't mind waiting. She had her newborn baby, Caily Bree Foster, to hold. Caily had redish hair and Keefe's eyes with flecks of gold. Her face was dotted with tiny freckles. Sophie could watch her baby for hours, taking in every expression. The only problem was, Caily was talkative. Very talkative.

"Mommy? Mommy? Mommy, are you listening?" Caily said loudly. Sophie put a finger to her lips and pointed to Caily's sleeping father.

"Mommyyyyyy!" Caily insisted.

"What?" Sophie finally said, exhausted.

"Um, I forgot." Sophie sighed.

"We have to be quiet so we don't wake Daddy!" She reminded the tiny girl in her arms.

"Too late." Keefe said groaning. His scowl was immediately replaced when he saw Sophie and Caily. "Hey, Foster,"

Sophie elbowed him and rolled her eyes. He pulled her in for a kiss. She kissed him then slowly made her way out of bed. "You can't keep kissing me when I'm mad at you!" she protested for what felt like the millionth time.

"Says who?" Keefe said as Sophie slipped into the closet to change. She then remembered she was holding Caily, so slipped back out and plopped her into Keefe's arms.

"Thanks." She said, going back into the closet. She sifted through the clothes, looking for a simple tunic. She looked again. Then again. "KEEFE! What did you do with my tunics and leggings?" She could feel his smirk from inside the closet.

"Whatever do you mean, dearest wife?" He asked.

"Why are there only dresses in here!?"

"Because you really need to wear dresses more! You look so pretty in them!" Keefe called.

"KEEFE WHERE ARE MY REAL CLOTHES??!!" Sophie said, done with his games. She refused to wear dresses now that she was older. She only kept them around for super fancy occasions.

"Ugh fine! They're in May's room." May had moved into her own tower a month ago, but she still came into her parents room to ask for anything from a glass of water to an elephant. Nightmares weren't the only thing that kept Sophie awake now.

As she stepped out of the closet, Keefe made a pouty face. "Keefe, if you want me ive, you won't make me wear a dress! If I wear a dress I will slip down the stairs and DIE!"

Keefe rolled his eyes. "You won't die, per say..."


"Fine, go get your clothes." Sophie stepped out of their room and ran up the stairs to May's. There she found May playing with a large pile of tunics.

"Mommy! Look! Daddy gave me toys!" Sophie had to laugh. May was two now, and caused more mischief than Sophie ever had, which was saying a lot. Sophie pulled a shirt and leggings from the pile and made a mental note to pick up the rest later. For now, she pulled May out of the pile and downstairs to meet Keefe and Caily. They stopped by the bathroom so Sophie could change.

"Girls!" Keefe said.

"Daddy!" May said, running to her dad. He picked her up and spun her in the air. "You want a turn?" He asked Sophie. She laughed.

"I'll pass."

"Foster, are you forgetting what day it is?" Keefe asked her. He obviously knew something she didn't, and he was loving it. Sophie summoned her mental calendar. Then she realized she didn't even know what day it was. But apparently something important was happening on whatever day it was. Great.

"Keefe, just tell me what day it is." Sophie finally said.

"Hmmmmm, no." Keefe said with a teasing smile. Sophie racked her mind. It couldn't be their anniversary, that was in Spring. It was Winter. It wasn't his birthday, or any of the girls birthdays. Was it hers?

Keefe answered her mental question with a box in shiny blue paper. Ice blue. "Happy birthday Foster!" He said. She smiled. Elves didn't celebrate birthdays, but Keefe always made an exception. He even celebrated it on the day she had thought was her birthday, not her inception day. They had tried that one day, but it didn't feel right. Sophie's birthday had always meant building a snowman with Amy and drinking hot chocolate, and going ice skating. Celebrating in Summer hadn't felt right.

"Thank you Keefe," she said, and kissed him. She felt a tugging on her shirt.

"Mommy! We have presents too!" May said. She ran to the room they had filled with toys, games, and crafts supplies, and grabbed a huge stack of paper. "I drew all of these!" she proclaimed.

The drawings were much better than any other three year olds Sophie had ever seen. They were far from perfect, but May had definitely inherited her father's drawing skills. They were all in crayon, and May still managed to do a bit of shading. They showed things like Silveny and her family, the Panakes tree, and baby Caily.

"These are amazing! Thank you May!"

"Hey, I helped too!" Keefe protested, "and you still haven't opened my gift!" Sophie rolled her eyes at her husband's insistence and opened the package. Inside, she found another drawing. This one was on a canvas instead of May's construction paper. It was done in a medium that Sophie didn't recognize. It was a picture of Sophie in a mint green dress that went to her elbows. There was a matching ribbon around her waist. She looked way more beautiful than she ever would in real life.

In her arms was Caily, wearing a similar dress. Keefe was standing behind her with his hands around her waist. He was wearing his signature smirk. Sophie was mid-laugh like Keefe had run up behind her and surprised her. May stood next to Sophie with a pale pink dress on. It was dotted with the same mint flowers in her hair. They all looked so perfect together, like it was always meant to be this way.

Sophie's eyes welled with tears, and she hugged Keefe. "Thank you," she whispered in his ear.

"You're not done yet!" Keefe said. "We're taking you to forbidden cities to show us what a snowman is!" Sophie laughed. He had mentioned it a few times before, but Keefe never understood when she tried to explain. She couldn't wait to pelt him with snowballs.

Yes, there will be another chapter on this. Sorry about not posting in a while, I've been out of ideas. How is everyone doing with social distancing? I'm... alive. For now.

If you haven't seen it, there's a poll on my feed where I'm letting you guys decide the name of the third Sokeefe baby. (the baby won't be coming for a while, but I'm planning ahead/I'm really bored)

I hope you liked it, and thanks for reading!

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