Chapter 20

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Hey! Starting this chapter I'll be putting the ages at the top:

May: 3

Caily: 8-ish months

Sophie awoke to Keefe leaning over her face. He gave her a quick kiss when he saw her eyes open.

"Morning, Foster" Sophie laughed.

"Were you just sitting there staring at me?" She asked.

"What else am I supposed to stare at?" He smirked.

"You could have done something productive, like make breakfast for the girls."

"Where's the fun in that?" Sophie just rolled her eyes.

"Then come and help me make breakfast!" They walked down the stairs, careful not to wake the girls. It was the first day that May hadn't woken them up early in months. They had kept her up late last night telling her about Christmas.

Sophie got out a bunch of things she had had Amy steal for her and brought them over to the counter.

"Eggs, pancake mix, bacon, and toast!" She said.

"What in the world is that?" Keefe asked, confused.

"It's human breakfast food. I think you'll like bacon." Sophie cooked while Keefe chatted, annoyed, and teased her. After a few minutes, May came down the stairs.

"Mommy! Daddy! I'm hungryyyyyy! I want mallowmelt! And Caily's awake." May was wearing a simple nightgown with flowers and oranges on it. Her curly chocolate hair was tangled, and she was clutching Leela, the battered unicorn toy she couldn't sleep without. Keefe walked over to her and spun her around.

"How's my princess?"

"Hungryyyyy!" May giggled.

"Then you're in luck, because Mommy made you some fancy human food for breakfast."

"Keefe, why don't you go get Caily and I'll take care of May's breakfast." Sophie said as she ladled some pancake batter onto the griddle. She took one of the cooked ones from a pile and put it on May's plate. She added bacon, eggs, and toast to finish it off.

May looked at the food skeptically. She poked the pancake, then took a tiny bite. Her eyes widened.

"This is sooooo yummy!!!!" May said quickly before shoveling the rest down. Sophie laughed. She loved getting to see her kids try human things.

"Happy Christmas Eve, May!" Said Sophie. May looked confused.

"Who's Eve?" Sophie slapped her forehead.

"May, remember how we talked about Christmas last night?" May looked thoughtful, then shook her head. "Christmas is when we give presents..." Sophie prompted.

"Oh! Santa Day!" May exclaimed.

"Sure, Santa Day." Sophie eventually gave in. She looked up to see Keefe walking down the stairs with Caily in his arms. He gave Caily to Sophie, then grabbed a piece of bacon.

"WHAT IS THIS WONDERFUL THING AND WHERE DID YOU GET IT???" Keefe shouted after eating the bacon. Sophie laughed.

"It's called bacon. I loved when my human mom made it for breakfast." Keefe glared at her.

"You mean you've had this all your life and never given me any?"

"Um, sorry?" Sophie said. "I never really thought to."

"I am disgusted." Keefe said with mock anger.

"Disgusted!" Caily copied.

"What are we going to do today?" Keefe asked.

"My family would always have our family over and eat and play games, but we're doing that tomorrow with everyone. Today I was thinking we could just hang around here. I have the makings of mallowmelt, custard bursts, cinnacreme, butterblasts and a billion other things! We're going to be more sugar than elf by the end of the day!"

"Look at Foster being all irresponsible with her kids. What a bad mother!" Keefe shook his head.

"Keefe! It's Christmas Eve!" Sophie elbowed him and he laughed. "Besides, I'm not nearly as bad as Edaline!" It was true. After visiting Havenfield, the girls would have eaten enough treats to let them bounce off the walls without levitation.

"Hey, I'm not saying it's a bad thing you're letting us eat a bunch of sugar! Let's get baking!"

I'm actually not going to do a Christmas chapter after this cause I'm lazy, and have other ideas I really want to do. Sorry!

Also... here's the super exciting chapter coming up...

They're going to go on a Disney trip!!! I'm super excited, because I love ones with the whole gang!

And finally, thank you so much for reading!!!


I wrote this chapter super late at night and was not thinking properly. Yes, I am aware that elves are vegetarians. I was considering changing it, but honestly it's been hilarious watching you guys freak out, so I'm leaving it the way it is

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