Chapter 25

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Sophie yawned and rolled out of the comfy hotel bed, walking over to the identical one that sat across the room, holding her whispering daughters.

"Foooooooster!" Keefe groaned when he noticed her absence.

"We're at Disney World, Keefe. We're not lying in bed all day." She told him, scooping Caily up.

"We weren't talking!" Caily quickly said.

"Mmmhmm." Sophie smiled.

"We were whispering." May pointed out. "You never said we couldn't whisper." Ever since Keefe had taught her the uses of handy technicalities, she'd been using them to get out of trouble, something she constantly found herself in. May was definitely her fathers' daughter.

"Come on girls, time to get ready." Keefe said, pulling their suitcases over. "What do you want to wear?"

"Starry!" Caily exclaimed. Starry was the name of her favorite midnight blue sundress with silver stars. She wore it as often as she could, so it was almost constantly in the wash.

"Again?" Sophie asked, already knowing the answer.

"Starry!!!!" Caily demanded. After getting the girls dressed, everyone met up in their common room. Rosaline and Calista were both in dresses that would rival the ones of the princesses in the park, but Aldric had gotten away with a shirt and shorts. Addilyn was in her mother's arms, cooing happily and playing with her bright blue dress.

"Are you guys all ready to go?" Sophie asked, and everyone gave enthusiastic nods. "Now you have to remember to act normal. We can't let anyone even suspect we're a little weird. That was the council's condition." Keefe rolled his eyes.

"We get it, Foster! Loosen up! You've only told us three million times." He told me, messing with my hair.

"Stop it!" Sophie said, smacking his hand away playfully.

"If you two are done flirting, let's go already." Marella teased, and even though they'd been married for six and a half years, Sophie found herself blushing.

"Go go go!" Caily squealed, and pulled her towards the door. Soon all of the kids joined in, pulling their parents to the door and joining her chant.

"Okay! We'll go!" Biana laughed. They followed the kids out to the parking lot where we hitched a ride to the first park, Hollywood Studios. They kept Dex away from the Star Wars section as long as possible, taking the kids around to see the rides and shows, but eventually, they couldn't avoid it.

"We're going to the Star Wars place now or I'm light leaping home." Dex demanded, but the puppy dog eyes he gave them made it a bit less intimidating.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Biana said, and Dex's face lit up. "I married a nerd."

"Let's go!!!!" Keefe said, running after Dex towards a Millennium Falcon replica.

"Welcome to the club," Sophie told her. We herded the kids towards the Star Wars section, and we all ogled over droids and ships. After going on what must have been a hundred rides, they came to a spot where a man dressed as Kylo Ren was facing off against a group of little kids, tourists who'd booked a spot to be in the show.

They hacked away at him, shouting things like, "Down with the Empire!". To his credit, the guy took it all, letting out fake cries of pain, although Sophie suspected a few of them were real. She was glad it was him instead of her. Eventually, he let out a final cry of despair and another worker came out, dressed as a Jedi, telling the kids they'd defended the galaxy and were all heroes, and the show was over.

They went around the park, looking at the attractions, and riding rides as their kids dragged them along, but she could never manage to get "Kylo Ren" out of her head. His dark cloak waited at the back of my mind, threatening to bring me into a panic. Sophie shoved him out of my mind though, focusing on the friends around her.

Soon darkness fell on the park, and the group slowly made their way to the exit, tired but happy. Once the girls had finally come down from their sugar high and had fallen asleep, Sophie and Keefe were too tired to do anything but follow suit. Together, they collapsed on the bed, Sophie's hand tangling in Keefes just before she slipped into dreams.

Sadly, her dreams were anything but good. She was back at the Star Wars show, but not at the park. She was in a dark, dank room, just barely visible by the small piece of balefire did I spell that right? held in the hand of the man in front of her.

The man in front of her. He had on the dark cloak of the man at the park, but no mask. Just a darkness lurking beyond the hood. Then she noticed the mark on his shoulder. A whte eye. No.

"They will all die." He rasped, and turned to the group of kids huddled in the corner. They had on the phony padawan cloaks of the kids at the park, but their faces were... No. It was the kids. May and Caily and the triplets, even little Addilyn. No.

"No!" Sophie hadn't realized she'd said it until the word echoed around the chamber, swallowed up by the darkness surrounding them.

The Neverseen member moved to the kids, who moved back until they were pressed against the obsidian wall.

"Sophie!" The mans voice had changed. It was no longer the deep rasp, but a clear sweet voice, filling the darkness with hope. "Sophie!"

Sophie woke in a cold sweat. Keefe gripped her hand, sending blue waves of calm over her. Tears started streaming down her face.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have woken you up. You shouldn't have to deal with this-" Keefe placed a finger on her lips.

"Sophie, when will you realize that I want to deal with this. I married you for goodness sake! Why do you think I hold your hand every night? I'm here for you, Foster." He told her, holding her tightly to his side.

"Keefe," She said, and started sobbing, clutching his chest. He held her until she couldn't cry anymore, slowly helping her to lay down and pulling the covers up around them. He had just kissed her forehead when she slipped into a gentler, sweeter sleep.

The End.

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