Chapter 11

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Sophie smiled as she watched May toddle towards Verdi. She had come over her parents house to help them with the animals, and also because they loved May more than life itself.

"May? Do you want more custard bursts? I made strawberry!" Edaline called, a tray of pink custard bursts in her hands.

"Mom, she's already had 19! You aren't allowed to get her sugar high again!" Sophie said.

"I'm her grandmother! It's my job to spoil her!" Edaline protested as May shakily stood up, walked over to Edaline, grabbed a custard burst, and fell on her butt. May laughed.

"I fell!" She said between giggles. Sophie scooped her up and brushed the grass off her white sundress sprinkled with sunflowers.

"You did, but you're getting so good at walking!" Sophie said. She suddenly felt hands reach around her waist from behind.

"Unlike her mother!" Keefe said with a smirk.

"Weren't you going to feed the gorgodon or something?" Sophie said with an eye roll. Keefe just laughed.

"You know you love me!"

"Daddy! Daddy, come see!" May squirmed out of Sophie's arms and toddled over to Verdi's pen. She grabbed a bright orange stalk and thrust it into the enclosure.

"Treat!" May called to Verdi. Verdi ignored her and tried to eat some of the seagulls circling overhead. "TREAT!" May said, but this time it was more of a command. Verdi reluctantly walked over but didn't eat the stalk. "EAT TREAT NOW" May commanded. Verdi widened her eyes in something that looked like fear and took a bite of the orange vegetable. "SWALLOW!" May said, her eyebrows furrowing. Verdi obediently swallowed. May burst into giggles.

"How did she do that?" Keefe asked, astounded.

"We've had her around Verdi for a while, and she seems to be the only one who can scare her." Edaline said between laughs. Verdi looked as if she was going to throw up the food, but one look from May changed her mind.

"That's insane!" Keefe said. "My daughter, striking fear in the hearts of dinosaurs. Must have her mother's fire." Sophie elbowed him, but he pulled her in for a kiss.

"EWWW!" May screeched. Keefe just dipped Sophie and smiled against her lips. When Sophie pulled away, she rolled her eyes for what seemed like the hundredth time that day.

"You have to stop doing that whenever I'm mad at you" she said with mock anger.

"But it works every time!" Keefe whined.

"I'm on Sophie's side. In fact, you should just stop altogether!" Grady said with a pointed look at Keefe.

"Grady, they're married." Edaline said as she picked May up. She put another custard burst in May's hand and May ate I happily.

"We should probably head home. Thanks for having us!" Sophie said, taking May from Edaline before she could eat too many custard bursts.

"Alright. Bye!" Edaline called. As they glittered away, Sophie saw Verdi puke out the orange stalk from earlier and shudder.

I know, I know, it's short. Sorry! It was just really cute to write!

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